Imagine as an Anthem for the World?

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and Director of the Colson Center

“Imagine” has become a kind of secular national anthem, but it seems like a strange choice. Last year, a bunch of celebrities tried to make us feel better about a global pandemic by singing “Imagine there’s no heaven.” Really? Facing death, let’s offer a materialistic worldview, with no future after we die and no present source of meaning? And, these millionaire celebrities actually sang to us, “Imagine no possessions?”

Then, during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, this song with the line “no religion, too” was sung, when 84 percent of the world identifies with a religious group. Not to mention, how does “imagine there’s no countries” fit with the Olympics, at a ceremony featuring every nation bearing their respective flags into the stadium? 

At best, this song is an ironic choice almost everywhere we hear it, especially for a global celebration of world cultures and athletes. At worst, it pushes a worldview that’s godless, hopeless, unrealistic, and ultimately meaningless.

Copyright 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Amy Grant’s Easy Answer Won’t Do

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and Director of the Colson Center

Recently, Christian music legend Amy Grant appeared on the pro-LGBT podcast “Proud Radio.” Asked about gay artists in country music, Grant said that she thinks it’s important to “set a welcome table” for people of all sexual orientations because: “None of us are a surprise to God. Nothing about who we are or what we’ve done.” The host understood these words as an endorsement of his gay lifestyle. 

But nothing Grant said is technically wrong. God does love and welcome sinners. He isn’t surprised by who we are or what we’ve done. But in this cultural moment, to speak only the culturally acceptable truths about love and acceptance while keeping silent on the offensive truths about sin and salvation ends up not telling the truth, at all.

We all want to say things that will keep our secular counterparts listening. But if we really believe in the power of God’s love to overcome our sin, the easy and misleading answer won’t do.

Copyright 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Image sourced from: Justin Higuchi

The Population Bomb Bombs

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and Director of the Colson Center

Recently, the New York Times reported that U.S. population growth is now at its second lowest rate in history. Lower birth rates devastate a country’s ability to ward off labor shortages, compete economically, and take care of its elderly.

The question is, why is this happening now?

One overlooked factor is the power of bad ideas: particularly the treatment of sex as a commodity, commitment as optional, and children as a burden. Children are often seen today as obstacles, not blessings, getting in the way of making money and satisfying our desires.

But this view misses the awesome responsibility and source of immense joy children are. Every person bears the image of God, so whenever families produce children, they mirror God to the world. Sure kids are sometimes irritating, but they’re often hilarious, and they always remind us that life isn’t about ourselves.

That’s a message a culture on the brink of a demographic crisis desperately needs to hear.

Copyright 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.