Chinese Workers Allege They Were Forced to Grow Illegal Marijuana in Maine

A recent news report highlights how Chinese individuals allegedly were forced to work at illegal marijuana operations in Maine.

Across the board, media outlets have repeatedly demonstrated how legalization of marijuana has fueled black market operations rather than reducing them — emboldening drug cartels that operate industrial scale marijuana cultivation sites.

Some of these marijuana operations are tied to labor trafficking and violent crime.

A recent report by Fox Business highlighted national security concerns that some of these illegal marijuana farms may actually have connections to foreign interests like the Chinese Communist Party.

CBN reported last October that Chinese investors with “suitcases full of cash” are buying U.S. farmland to grow black market marijuana.

And a CBS News segment last year highlighted how Chinese investment is driving illegal marijuana production across the U.S.

These reports come as a proposed marijuana amendment is vying for the 2024 ballot in Arkansas — raising serious questions about what could happen in Arkansas if the state goes the same route as California, Maine, Oregon, and others.

Watch this news report below to learn more.

Group Raises Nearly $173K for Marijuana Amendment

Arkansans for Patient Access has raised nearly $173,000 for its marijuana amendment campaign, according to reports filed with the Arkansas Ethics Commission.

The group has until July 5 to collect 90,704 petition signatures from registered voters to place the marijuana amendment on the ballot.

The amendment would drastically expand Arkansas’ medical marijuana law to enable recreational marijuana statewide. Marijuana users would no longer need to show they suffer from a specific medical condition listed in state law.

The amendment lets people grow and use marijuana at home, making it easier for people to use marijuana recreationally.

The amendment also would openly legalize marijuana in Arkansas if federal laws against marijuana are repealed.

Nationwide, since 2019, the number of kids diagnosed with cannabis-induced mental disorders, including schizophrenia and psychotic episodes, has increased by 50%.

Across the board, media outlets have repeatedly reported that legalization of marijuana has fueled black market operations rather than reducing them — emboldening drug cartels that operate industrial scale marijuana cultivation sites.

Fox News and CBS News have highlighted how Chinese investment and organized crime are driving illegal marijuana production across the U.S., and CBN reported last October that Chinese investors with “suitcases full of cash” are buying U.S. farmland to grow black market marijuana.

Arkansas voters rejected marijuana legalization at the ballot box in 2022. That amendment was opposed by a broad coalition of churches, business groups, elected officials, and citizens who knew that marijuana would be bad for Arkansas. We anticipate similar opposition to the 2024 marijuana amendment.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Marijuana and Psychosis in Teens: Guest Post

It’s time to stop the delusion that legalizing weed has done no harm.

In 2016, Massachusetts voters legalized recreational marijuana. Roughly seven years later, doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital say a full third of adolescents who come in for routine check-ups report using marijuana, and a third of those kids are likely to develop hallucinations or paranoia, according to new research.  

Nationwide, since 2019, the number of kids diagnosed with cannabis-induced mental disorders, including schizophrenia and psychotic episodes, has increased by 50%.  

Research continues to reveal, in fact, that the marijuana on the market today, including the stuff that’s “government regulated,” is more potent and dangerous than the weed of decades past. There’s just too much data now to ignore the correlations between marijuana use and mental health disorders. 

Also obvious is that the arguments used for the legalization of marijuana were bogus. The freedom to choose self-harm and addiction is no freedom at all. The kids now suffering from schizophrenia, depression, and paranoia are reasons enough to turn this train around. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.