Since 1999, the New York town of Greece has opened its monthly city meetings with prayer offered by a volunteer.
In 2007 two of the local residents, Linda Stephens and Susan Galloway, attended one of the town’s meetings, which was opened with a Christian prayer. The two ladies later sued the town, alleging that “continued Christian prayer at the opening of town meetings is unconstitutional.”
The lawsuit progressed through federal court before finally being appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Today the court ruled–once again–that it is permissible to open public meetings with prayer.
Alliance Defending Freedom, who argued successfully before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Greece, stated that “the practice of town councils to acknowledge America’s religious heritage and invoke divine guidance and blessings upon their work has always been constitutional.”
We have written before about calls to prayer and prayer at public meetings during the early days of our nation. To read more about this story by our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom, click here.