A few people have been asking how each senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted on House Bill 1228 (the religious freedom bill) yesterday.
The bill failed, with 3 senators voting for it; 3 voting against it; and 2 not voting. In order to make it out of committee, the bill needs 5 votes.
Here is a breakdown of the vote:
Senators Who Voted FOR The Bill
- Sen. Jon Woods (R – Springdale)
- Sen. Terry Rice (R – Waldron)
- Sen. Linda Collins-Smith (R – Pocahontas)
Senators Who Voted AGAINST The Bill
- Sen. David Johnson (D – Little Rock)
- Sen. Joyce Elliott (D – Little Rock)
- Sen. Linda Chesterfield, Vice-Chair (D – Little Rock)
Senators Who DID NOT Vote For or Against the Bill
- Sen. David Burnett (D – Osceola)
- Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson, Chair (R – Benton)
This bill can still be brought back up for a vote. Be sure to call your senator at (501) 682-2902, and ask him or her to support the religious freedom bill. You can also call Governor Hutchinson’s office at (501) 682-2345 and leave a message encouraging him to support the bill.