According to the Denver Post, prosecutors in Colorado have charged three men in the case of a marijuana-related shooting that occurred earlier this month.
The Denver District Attorney said,
“The charges allege that Evans, Jones, and Turrentine came to Denver from Oklahoma to illegally purchase several pounds of marijuana, and that during the transaction on June 3, 2016, they shot and killed two men and tried to kill five others.”
The Denver Post writes, “Police have called the shooting deaths the result of a ‘drug deal gone extremely bad.'”
This situation underscores the fact that, contrary to the claims of many, black market marijuana sales continue even following full legalization of marijuana. For example, reports from Colorado in 2012 indicated so-called “medical” marijuana legalization had spawned illegal drug trafficking.
A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in April 2012 found 74% of teens surveyed in two Colorado substance abuse facilities had used “medical” marijuana intended for someone else.The study surveyed 164 teens ages 14-18. Of these teens, 122 admitted to using “medical” marijuana; only 1 was legally qualified to do so.