Yesterday the state’s Medical Marijuana Commission awarded five licenses to grow marijuana in Arkansas following months of controversy and legal battles.
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that licenses were issued to:
- Natural State Medicinals Cultivation of Jefferson County
- BOLD Team of Woodruff County
- Natural State Wellness Enterprises of Jackson County
- Osage Creek Cultivation of Carroll County
- Delta Medical Cannabis Company of Jackson County
Marijuana is a blight on the community. In other states, it has caused and contributed to countless deaths and injuries. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is far from harmless.
The Arkansas Constitution lets cities and counties vote to prohibit marijuana farms and stores by circulating petitions to place the issue on the ballot.
If you want to learn more about how your county can prohibit marijuana farms and stores, contact our office at (501) 375-7000.
Photo by My 420 Tours [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons.