Tuesday, January 25, 2011.
Family Council Director Jerry Cox released a statement Tuesday hailing Arkansas’ ranking as the 4th most pro-life state in the nation.
“Americans United for Life released a list ranking every state in America from most pro-life to least pro-life,” Cox said. “Arkansas was number four on the list.
“This is a big deal. Arkansas has always ranked fairly high on AUL’s list, but this year we’ve actually moved up from number five to number four.
“The difference is the pro-life legislation Arkansas has implemented,” Cox said. “This ranking came as a result of our respect for the lives of the unborn, the sick, and the elderly. Arkansas has always been good about affirming the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, but to be ranked so high among all the states in the nation—and to actually be moving up the rankings—is very encouraging.
“Everyone in Arkansas has heard the saying ‘Thank God for Mississippi.’ It seems like every year a new study or survey is released showing Arkansas to be 48th or 49th in the nation when it comes to important issues. This is one thing that Arkansas is doing right.”
Cox said he has a lot of respect for Americans United for Life. “They’ve been doing pro-life work for 40 years, now. They’ve lobbied Congress, and they know their legislation. Their survey considers everything from a state’s abortion laws to its laws governing physician-assisted suicide and how we care for the terminally ill. If they say we’re number four, you can count on it.”
Cox said he hopes Arkansas will move to number one in 2012, after the legislature has had an opportunity to pass new pro-life legislation into law.
Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock, Arkansas.
See AUL’s press release here.