On Tuesday Rep. Kendon Underwood (R – Cave Springs) and Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch) filed H.B. 1544 letting municipalities in Arkansas declare themselves pro-life.
Under this bill, cities and towns would be able to pass a resolution designating themselves as a Pro-Life City.
H.B. 1544 outlines some of the findings and language that cities can put in their pro-life resolution.
The bill also clarifies that Pro-Life Cities can install signs or banners announcing that they are pro-life.
Currently, nothing in Arkansas law prevents a city from declaring itself a Pro-Life City, but H.B. 1544 writes a foundation for these pro-life resolutions into state law.
This is a really good bill that will help communities in Arkansas foster a culture of life.
One of Family Council’s goals for 2021 is to help Arkansans statewide designate their communities as Pro-Life Cities. H.B. 1544 will help make that happen.