Last month Family Council sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the Pulaski County Special School District (PCSSD) asking for communications between Planned Parenthood employees and school district employees.
PCSSD includes public schools in Pulaski County outside of Little Rock.
In response, the Pulaski County Special School district sent Family Council 1,395 pages of redacted email correspondences, attachments, and other documents revealing that Planned Parenthood has been active in multiple central Arkansas public schools over the past several years.
In particular, the emails reveal that Planned Parenthood’s Education and Outreach coordinator gave a series of presentations at Sylvan Hills High School in 2018 and again in 2019.
The coordinator was invited back to give lectures at the school in 2020, but the coronavirus outbreak—coupled with the coordinator at Planned Parenthood changing jobs—apparently put a halt to that.

Planned Parenthood conducted similar presentations at Fuller Middle School in 2015, Mills High School in 2016, and Joe T. Robinson in 2018 or 2019.
The documents also show that Planned Parenthood communicated extensively with the counselor at Maumelle High School, and that Planned Parenthood may have conducted activities at Cloverdale Middle School and McClellan High School over the past few years.
All of this underscores why new legislation like H.B. 1592 is so important.
H.B. 1592 is a good bill by Rep. Mark Lowery (R – Maumelle) that prohibits public schools in Arkansas from working with abortion providers.
H.B. 1592 will help make sure Planned Parenthood and other abortionists don’t continue to have access to our state’s public schools.
H.B. 1592 is currently before the Senate Education Committee.