On Wednesday, a coalition of eight pro-life leaders held a press conference at the Arkansas Capitol Building to announce a major pro-life event.
“On July 26, here in Little Rock at Crowne Plaza Hotel from 7 to 9 p.m., Abby Johnson, author of Unplanned and former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, will address the public about her firsthand experience from inside Planned Parenthood and her journey from abortion advocate to abortion opponent. This free event, open to the public, is being organized by the largest coalition of pro-life groups ever assembled in Arkansas,” said Family Council President Jerry Cox.
“Abby Johnson’s insights into the true nature of the abortion industry couldn’t have come at a better time,” Cox said. “As you may know, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland plans to merge with its Arkansas counterpart to increase abortions in our state, so what she has to say is of great importance to us. Who better than Planned Parenthood’s own former Employee of the Year to tell us what goes on behind the scenes at Planned Parenthood?”
A website has been launched in tandem with this event at Anyone interested in receiving up-to-date information can visit the website and fill out the short contact form.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for Arkansans to learn about the inner-workings of the nation’s largest provider of abortions,” Cox said.
Today’s Little Rock press conference was one of three press conferences held across the State of Arkansas, at which pro-life leaders assembled to promote the July 26 event. Other press conferences were held in Fayetteville and Fort Smith. Organizations promoting the event include 40 Days for Life, Americans United for Life, Arkansas Faith & Ethics Council, Arkansas Pregnancy Care Center Association, the Catholic Respect Life Office, the Center for Constitutional Policy, Concepts of Truth, and Family Council.
Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock, Arkansas.