Above: A graphic Planned Parenthood Action Fund posted on social media as part of an invitation for volunteers.

This week Planned Parenthood Action Fund published an invitation for volunteers under the heading, “Our Rage Will Be Heard.”

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, and the Action Fund contributes to candidates and other causes that align with Planned Parenthood’s mission.

The statement is just the latest example of pro-abortion groups encouraging people to turn to “rage.”

In May of 2022, the pro-abortion Women’s March announced that its “summer of rage is officially beginning” as many anticipated the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

After the court reversed Roe, fringe groups like Jane’s Revenge praised abortion activists who vandalized pro-life charities during the so-called “Night of Rage.”

Last year the Arkansas Abortion Support Network hosted a fundraiser letting people smash a car and other items. An invitation to the event said, “bring your rage, some enthusiasm for smashing, and a desire to fund abortion.”

Webster’s Dictionary defines “rage” as primarily “violent and uncontrolled anger;” “a fit of violent wrath;” or “violent action.”

Rage really has no place in democracy and civil discourse. Uncontrollable anger and violent wrath won’t lead to the kinds of changes anyone wants. Rage is destructive.

That belief has generally informed Family Council’s approach to defending the sanctity of human life. We oppose abortion. We agree with stopping abortion through any legal means. But we’ve never utilized the more aggressive tactics that some groups use.

Ten years ago it would have seemed ridiculous to say the pro-abortion movement thrives on “rage.” Unfortunately today it seems major pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood do exactly that.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.