On Monday nineteen state attorneys general — including Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin — sent a letter to Costco’s CEO urging the company to eliminate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies. The letter says Costco’s DEI initiatives are discriminatory and violate federal and state laws.
Many companies established DEI policies to create an equal playing field for racial and ethnic minorities, but LGBT groups have hijacked those policies to promote gender-identity politics in the workplace. Employees who hold a biblical view of gender or marriage risk losing their jobs.
Backlash and boycotts over DEI and pro-LGBT activism have prompted many companies to change course. Late last year Walmart rolled back its pro-LGBT diversity, equity, and inclusion policies. Target, Toyota, John Deere, Lowe’s, Tractor Supply, Harley Davidson, and other corporations have moved away from DEI as well.
However, Costco has made headlines for refusing to end its DEI policies.
As we have said many times, it’s deeply troubling when multimillion dollar corporations use their wealth and influence to promote radical, pro-LGBT ideas. It’s clear that DEI is unpopular among Americans, and customers are tired of pro-LGBT pandering from the stores where they shop.
Costco — and other corporations like them — would be wise to recognize that and stop promoting an agenda that is out of step with most Americans.
Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.