FRC Action—the legislative action arm of Family Research Council—keeps a blog that more than lives up to its name. Called The Cloakroom, it is a reference to private rooms connected to a legislative chamber where lawmakers conduct “secret business.” FRC Action’s blog is all about making that secret business as public as possible.
Currently at The Cloakroom, you’ll find constant updates on the ongoing battle over health care reform, including when key votes are expected and new bills are revealed. It has been a great resource on this issue over the past few months, so if you want to stay “in the know” about health care reform, The Cloakroom is a must-read.
However, the blog certainly covers more than just health care. Important congressional happenings, especially if they’ll impact the family, rarely go unnoticed by this blog. Abortion, marriage, “hate crimes” legislation, presidential nominees, and taxes are just an overview of subjects that The Cloakroom covers. It also keeps readers up-to-date on what’s happening in the Conservative Movement.
For citizens wanting a little more light shed on the legislative process, The Cloakroom is a powerful resource. Its lead writer, Tom McClusky—along with several other contributors—has provided a valuable service to the public. Visit the blog now by clicking here.