At the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in Little Rock on Friday, there were action steps—suggestions on how you can join the fight for religious freedom—included in the program. We’ve re-posted the suggested action steps below.

What You Can Do:

  • Pray that God will stir up faith communities across the country to unify in support of religious freedom and against attacks on our God-given rights.
  • Pray that God will move in the hearts and minds of our government officials convicting them to take a stand for religious freedom.
  • Talk to your church’s minister about giving a sermon that raises awareness about the importance of religious freedom and how it’s being attacked today.
  • Identify political candidates who take a strong stand for religious freedom.
  • Call Arkansas’ U.S. representatives and ask them to support HR 1179—The Rights of Conscience Act—currently pending in Congress.
    • Senator John Boozman: 202-224-4843
    • Senator Mark Pryor: 202-224-2353
    • Congressman Rick Crawford (District 1): 202-225-4076
    • Congressman Tim Griffin (District 2): 202-225-2506
    • Congressman Steve Womack (District 3): 202-225-4301
    • Congressman Mike Ross (District 4): 202-225-3772
  • Pass out information to family and friends that educates them on this issue. Go to for good starter material.
  • Organize regular meetings to discuss how to stand up for religious freedom, and then put a plan into action.
  • Sign the petition declaring that the federal government’s mandate on religious institutions must be stopped. Go to
  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper exposing the attacks on our religious freedom.
  • Use new media such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogging to spread the word about the assaults on our liberties, and get others to join you.

These are just a small handful of suggestions, of course. Perhaps you have an idea not on this list that you’d like to put into action. We encourage you to do so!