Last Thursday, some former and current Arkansas government officials signed a letter affirming religious freedom and supporting the Stand Up for Religious Freedom rally, which was held on Friday, June 8, at the Capitol in Little Rock. Here is that letter. If you are an elected official who would like to be added to the letter, call us at 501-375-7000.
Dear Fellow Arkansans:
The First Amendment safeguards our God-given right to religious freedom. It is the duty of every
generation to affirm and defend this right.
As leaders, we hereby affirm and defend the God-given right to religious freedom. Together we
promote the time-honored and true value of religious liberty for all who reside within the borders of
our state and our nation.
We support the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally being held on the steps of the Arkansas Capitol
Building at noon on Friday, June 8. We encourage all citizens to participate in this rally, and we are
pleased to join together in promoting this event.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been tasked with implementing the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act. Their implementation plan includes a mandate that requires
organizations and companies provide contraception coverage for their employees. However, many
religious groups have moral and religious objections to the abortion-causing drugs and contraceptives
that fall under this mandate. In just a few short months, religious-based hospitals, charities, colleges,
and other religious institutions will be forced to violate their religious convictions by providing
contraception and abortion-causing drugs to their employees through the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act. We oppose this and other actions by the federal government that unnecessarily
infringe on religious freedom.
The free exercise of religion is an unalienable human right. It is identified and guaranteed by our
country’s constitution. It has been upheld historically at times when our nation might otherwise have
justified ignoring it. That is why we the undersigned affirm the right of every citizen to enjoy freedom
of religion under the Constitution of the United States.
U.S. Senator John Boozman
U.S. Rep. Rick Crawford
U.S. Rep Tim Griffin
U.S. Rep. Steve Womack
Gov. Mike Huckabee
Sen. Gilbert Baker
Sen. Cecile Bledsoe
Sen. Jake Files
Sen. Johnny Key
Sen. Jason Rapert
Sen. Jerry Taylor
Sen. Missy Thomas Irvin
Sen. Eddie Joe Williams
Sen. David Wyatt
Rep. Lori Benedict
Rep. Mark Biviano
Rep. David Branscum
Rep. Les Carnine
Rep. Linda Collins-Smith
Rep. Robert Dale
Rep. Jane English
Rep. John Eubanks
Rep. Justin Harris
Rep. Prissy Hickerson
Rep. Debra Hobbs
Rep. Donna Hutchinson
Rep. Allen Kerr
Rep. Bryan King
Rep. Homer Lenderman
Rep. Kelly Link
Rep. Loy Mauch
Rep. Andy Mayberry
Rep. James McLean
Rep. David Meeks
Rep. Stephen Meeks
Rep. David Sanders
Rep. Mary Lou Slinkard
Rep. Bruce Westerman