The following is part of a facts sheet we assembled some months ago regarding the issue of medical marijuana. You can download it here.
It is no secret that many opponents of Medical Marijuana view this as a way to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Have you ever stopped to think about how that could impact your family and where you live? Think about this…
Proponents of Medical Marijuana have admitted that their efforts are failing in regards to using marijuana solely for medicine. In fact some are blatantly honest that the reason they want to see medical marijuana passed is so that it can be legalized recreationally:
Dispensaries Operate as Dope Store Fronts
Reverend Scott T. Imler, the co-author of Proposition 215 which legalized medical marijuana in California stated “We created Prop. 215 so patients would not have to deal with black market profiteers. But today it is all about the money. Most of the dispensaries operating in California are a little more than dope dealers with store fronts.” pg 11
Cardholders Never Receive Marijuana from Designated Growers
According to Lt. Michael Dingeman, Director of the Oregon State Police Drug Enforcement Section The “growers are simply using the cardholders for cover, and selling their crops on the black market. In fact, some county sheriffs estimate that as much as one half of the illegal street marijuana they’re seeing is being grown under the protection of the state’s medical marijuana program.” pg 13
Glaucoma and Getting High
Ed Rosenthal, senior editor of High Times, a pro-drug magazine, once revealed the legalization strategy behind the “medical” marijuana movement. While addressing an effort to seek public sympathy for glaucoma patients, he said, “I have to tell you that I also use marijuana medically. I have a latent glaucoma which has never been diagnosed. The reason why it’s never been diagnosed is because I’ve been treating it.” He continued, “I have to be honest, there is another reason why I do use marijuana . . . and that is because I like to get high. Marijuana is fun.” pg’s 6-7
Stalking Horse for Drug Legalization
In 2000, The New York Times interviewed Ethan Nadelmann, Director of the Lindesmith Center. Responding to criticism that the medical marijuana issue is a stalking horse for drug legalization, Mr. Nadelmann stated: “Will it help lead toward marijuana legalization? . . . I hope so.” pg 7
Would the passage of Medical Marijuana effect organized crime in a negative or positive way? It is tempting to think that if we make marijuana legal, whether medical or recreational, it would cut down on crime. There is evidence that proves otherwise:
Tax Evasion and Money Laundering
“There is a clear indication that many dispensaries are intentionally evading their taxes, distributing illegal products and may be laundering illegally acquired money,” Jerome E.Horton, California State Board of Equalization Vice Chairperson. pg 12
Marijuana Drug Trade is Not Mellow
Sergeant Erik Fisher of the Drug Enforcement Section of the Oregon State Police says that the perception of the marijuana drug trade is mellower than other drug operations is wrong. He notes that almost all the distributors and growers carry firearms. “The other striking trend has been the increase in home invasion robberies of medical marijuana folks, and how absolutely violent they can be. We have more home invasions going on with medical marijuana people than any other drug dealer I can think of.” pg 13
Criminal Elements Persist
Rolling Stone magazine reported on abuses associated with Proposition 215. “… business is good for …compassionate caregivers, freedom fighters, botanists in love with the art of growing, Long Beach homeys, Valley Boys, Oakland thugs, and even one savvy gal who wants her girlfriends to sell medical marijuana while wearing pasties. But as in any drug business, a criminal element persists—storage lockers of product, safes of cash, hustlers trying to rob those lockers and safes, guns to protect one from the hustlers, and the constant risk of arrest.” pg’s 17-18
Marijuana Contributes to Aggressive Behavior
Marijuana is known to contribute to delinquent and aggressive behavior. A June 2007 report released by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) reveals that teenagers who use drugs are more likely to engage in violent and delinquent behavior. Moreover, early use of marijuana, the most commonly used drug among teens, is a warning sign for later criminal behavior. Specifically, research shows that the instances of physically attacking people, stealing property, and destroying property increase in direct proportion to the frequency with which teens smoke marijuana. pg 34
Speaking of youth, there is no way to keep illegal substances completely out of the hands of today’s youth. However, by allowing medical marijuana, and possibly legalization of recreational use, teens would have much easier access to the drug which could have damaging effects physically and socially:
Teenagers Choose Pot Over Family and Friends
According to Dr. Thurstone Medical Direct of an Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program “About 95 percent of the hundreds of young people referred to my clinic each year have problems with marijuana. I see teenagers who choose pot over family, school, friends and health every day. When they’re high, these young people make poor choices that lead to unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, school dropouts and car accidents that harm people. When teenagers are withdrawing from marijuana, they can be aggressive and get into fights or instigate conflicts that lead to more trouble.” pg 14
Coping vs. Covering Up Stress
Mikie Messman, Chemical Awareness/Responsive Education Coordinator for the school district testified that the students told her that marijuana relieves their stress. Instead of learning how to cope with stress, they are covering it up. “These kids are using it as medication so they don’t have to deal with adolescence,” Messman said. pg 18
Increase Use of Marijuana by Students
In Great Falls, Montana, school counselors are seeing an increase in the use of marijuana by students. According to Earlene Ostberg, a school Chemical Awareness/Responsive Education Counselor, most of the students that are failing are smoking pot. “When I ask ‘why,’ a lot of kids are real defensive. They say “Mrs. Ostberg, it’s medicinal. I could get a green (medical marijuana) card.” pg 17
Despite popular belief, marijuana is dangerous. It has the potential to affect every area of a person’s life, and leads to a society that is constantly looking over its shoulder to make sure their quality of life isn’t being ruined. Marijuana damages the lives of youth and adults every day. Marijuana use can tear apart families and pose a threat to thriving cities. You can prevent this from happening, all you need to do…is Think.
All quotations were take from the DEA Position on Marijuana. U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, The DEA Position on Marijuana. (January 2011)