Heritage Foundation has published an article highlighting President Obama’s decision to “soften the blow” of Obamacare for members of Congress, but not for the rest of the American people–and, they say, what he’s doing is illegal.
“[T]he Obama Administration says, ‘No problem.’ Congress can keep their health care subsidies ($5,000 for individual coverage or $11,000 for family coverage) and use them in the new Obamacare exchanges.
“In a surprise to no one, the President doesn’t actually have legal authority to do that.
“Heritage’s Ed Haislmaier explained in detail how the Administration twisted its interpretation of the law to fix Congress’s little problem. As he put it, ‘It was bad enough that Congress had to pass the law to find out what was in it. Now, the Administration is ignoring the law when they don’t like what they find.'”