Video: Is It Fair for Boys to Play Girls Sports If They Say They’re Girls?

Is it fair to let a boy play girls sports if he says he is a girl?

That’s the question that Joseph Backholm tackles in this week’s installment of the “What Would You Say?” video series.

Watch the video below.

Video: 8th Circuit Waits to Decide Arkansas Pro-Life Laws

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals won’t rule on a group of pro-life laws from Arkansas until the U.S. Supreme Court makes a decision about a pro-life law from Louisiana.

You can read a breakdown of the legal arguments about Arkansas’ laws here.

Watch this video to learn more.

Video: Bioethicists Offer Economic Arguments for Assisted-Suicide

Last week a bioethicist published an article actually arguing that physician-assisted suicide can free up healthcare resources and provide more organs for transplant.

Watch this video to learn more.