CitizenLink Report: Abstinence in the Works

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are supporting a sexual risk-avoidance program for teens. Stuart Shepard with CitizenLink (a Focus on the Family affiliate) highlights this proposal here. Check it out and then tell us what you think!

Pastor Voddie Baucham: Gay Is Not the New Black

“… while it’s difficult to watch a coordinated, well-funded, well-connected propaganda strategy undermine thousands of years of human history, it’s especially disconcerting to witness the use of the civil rights struggle as the vehicle for the strategy,” writes Pastor Voddie Baucham. He goes on to say that some “would have us believe that the homosexual struggle for a redefinition of marriage puts them in the same category as my ancestors. However, they would rather you didn’t take a closer look, lest you see how flimsy the comparison turns out to be.” Click here to read Pastor Baucham’s entire column.

EU: Individual Countries Must Decide Euthanasia Question

Courts in Europe have ruled that individual European countries must decide for themselves whether they will or will not permit euthanasia.

Click here to read more.

40 Days for Life Founder Meets Baby Saved From Abortion

From “Millions of people who are pro-life often wonder whether the things they do to foster protection for unborn children ever pay dividends. Shawn Carney, the founder and campaign director for 40 Days for Life got to experience that joy first-hand when he met a baby whose live had been saved because of the national pro-life prayer event.”

Chick-fil-A is Popular for a Reason

In case you were concerned about Chick-fil-A—considering the recent attacks on the company after Dan Cathy, its president, took a public stand for traditional marriage—consider the map below. This company is popular for many reasons, such as its great food, friendly customer service, and of course, its Christian values. There’s something refreshingly different about Chick-fil-A, and people across the country have taken notice. We applaud Mr. Cathy for defending marriage. Here’s to many more years of success for our favorite place to get a chicken sandwich.