Today: ABC Board to Decide on More Alcohol Permits for Magic Springs

At 3 p.m. today, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board will decide to either approve or deny the request of Magic Springs to allow the park to sell alcohol at two more places, according to The Associated Press.

Video: Mother Teresa’s 1994 Prayer Breakfast Speech

In February of 1994 Mother Teresa delivered an address at the annual prayer breakfast. In it she talked above the devastating consequences of abortion. A copy of that video is below.

School Considers Free Condoms for 12-Year-Olds

The Springfield School Committee in Massachusetts has voted 5-1 in favor of a policy that would provide free condoms to students as young as 12. Peter Murphy, the lone dissenting vote, was “not comfortable with the idea of making condoms available to students so young.” We think that Mr. Murphy voted correctly. Click here to read the full story.

South Dakota Cuts Abortion in Obamacare

South Dakota has become the 15th state in the country to opt-out of Obamacare’s abortion funding, reports During the 2011 legislative session in Arkansas, Sen. Cecile Bledsoe (R-Rogers) spearheaded a bill to do this in our state, but it was defeated by a panel comprised predominately of pro-abortion lawmakers on the House Public Health Committee led by Rep. Linda Tyler (D-Conway).

President Obama Sides with Planned Parenthood Over Women’s Health

From “The Obama administration made it official today when HHS officials notified Texas authorities that the administration is killing a woman’s health program because the state prohibited Planned Parenthood and abortion businesses from involvement.” If there was ever any doubt, we now know that President Obama’s allegiance lies solely with Planned Parenthood, not women’s health.