States Sue Over Contraception Mandate

As reported by The Hill, seven state attorneys general “sued the Obama administration Thursday over its order requiring some religious employers to cover birth control in their employees’ healthcare plans. In the suit, the states argue that the White House infringed on the religious freedoms protected by the First Amendment.”

Office Depot Blocks Pro-Life Content

Why would Office Depot single out pro-life content for blocking on the company’s internal web server? Click the photo to expand it to full size.


DOMA Ruled “Unconstitutional” by U.S. District Judge

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White has ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is “unconstitutional,” even though the case for its constitutionality has been convincingly made.

Abortion Advocates Equate Ultrasound to Rape

Virginia, like some states, is considering legislation that would require an ultrasound be offered to a pregnant woman before an abortion can be performed. According to, some abortion advocates are equating such a procedure to rape.

Read the full story here.

Abortion Debate Flares in Georgia

Georgia lawmakers are encountering spirited debate over a bill that would limit abortion twenty weeks into the pregnancy.

Read more about the story here.