Maryland Senate Committee Approves Bill to Redefine Marriage

Maryland legislators are weighing a bill that, if passed, would redefine marriage to include same-sex couples.

Read the story here.

Was George Washington a Christian?

In this great article from David Barton at WallBuilders, he gives irrefutable evidence that George Washington was a man of strong Christian faith—contrary to what secular revisionists have claimed. Click here to read about Washington’s faith.

President Reagan’s “Berlin Wall” Speech (6/12/87)

In honor of Presidents Day, we’d like to share one of the greatest speeches ever given by an American president. This is President Reagan’s “Berlin Wall” address outside of the Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987. Tear down this wall!

Vote to Redefine Marriage in Maryland Could be Today

As the New Jersey Legislature votes to redefine marriage (Gov. Christie is thankfully expected to veto), it appears that Maryland’s legislature could also be making a move in the wrong direction on marriage today.

Justice Ginsburg Doesn’t Recommend U.S. Constitution

This is a story that broke several days ago, but just in case you missed it, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was recently in Eqypt. According to reports, she told Egyptian revolutionaries, “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012”.