Group Launches Petition Drive for Amendment That Could Legalize 3,000+ Abortions in Arkansas Annually

Over the weekend abortion advocates began collecting signatures for the Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024.

The group Arkansans for Limited Government is backing the amendment. The group must collect more than 90,000 valid petition signatures to place the amendment on the November ballot.

If passed, the measure could legalize an estimated 3,000 or more elective abortions per year in Arkansas.

The Arkansas Abortion Amendment would write abortion into the Arkansas Constitution. It prohibits the state from restricting abortion at all during the first 20 weeks gestation, it creates sweeping “health” exceptions for elective abortion throughout all nine months, and it nullifies all state laws that conflict with the amendment.

Under this amendment, lawmakers and voters would lose the ability to enact abortion restrictions — including restrictions that people on both sides of the aisle have supported in the past.

You can download a copy of the amendment here.

Guest Column: The “Science” of Abortion

Earlier this month, an image was shared on social media featuring what looked like a bit of used tissue paper with the caption, “Just a reminder that this is what an 8 week pregnancy/abortion looks like.” The inference is that pro-lifers are fools or liars to call the preborn “a child.”  

It didn’t take long for that tweet to get called out. The image had been doctored. The “tissue” was not an embryo but merely an empty gestational sac. A real 8-week embryo has hands and feet, heart and head, and is very clearly a tiny human being. 

While the claim “it’s just a clump of cells!” was questionable 50 years ago when someone first uttered it, decades of technological development make it morbidly laughable. The imagery available now completely undercuts any idea that what we see in the womb is less than human. What has been revealed is how divorced from reality the pro-abortion camp has always been.

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Abortion Amendment Would Nullify Informed-Consent Laws, Write Abortion into Arkansas Constitution

This article is part of an ongoing series tracking the Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024 and examining its effects on state law.

On Tuesday the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office certified a popular name and ballot title for the Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024 — meaning the measure’s sponsors can begin collecting petition signatures to place the amendment on the ballot this November.

The amendment prevents the state from restricting abortion during the first 18 weeks after fertilization — approximately 20 weeks gestation.

It also contains sweeping health exceptions for abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, and it nullifies all state abortion laws that conflict with the amendment.

In 2015, the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 1086, the Woman’s Right to Know Act, requiring abortionists to explain the abortion procedure — including its risks, its consequences, and its alternatives — before performing an abortion.

The Woman’s Right to Know Act passed with strong, bipartisan support in the Arkansas Legislature.

Data from the Arkansas Department of Health indicates that from August 1, 2015, to June 24, 2022, over 3,500 women chose not to have abortions after receiving the information outlined in this one law.

The Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024 would write unrestricted abortion into the Arkansas Constitution, and it would nullify laws like the 2015 Woman’s Right to Know Act.

Under this amendment, lawmakers and voters would lose the ability to enact abortion restrictions — including restrictions that people on both sides of the aisle have supported in the past.

You can download a copy of the amendment here.