Homosexuals Queer the Census

A few radical homosexuals are upset that the U.S. Census is not interested in knowing their sexual orientation. So they’ve developed a pink sticker for gays to put on their census form. The sticker reads: “ATTN: U.S. Census Bureau. It’s time to count everyone! Are you (please check all that apply): Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or A Straight Ally.” Sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, QueerTheCensus.org says, “We’re here. We’re queer. And we want you to ask us about it.”


Facebook Users: Become a Fan of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide

It’s a new era for political campaigns. Any more, candidates wishing to get in touch with their voters are turning to Facebook, Twitter, and other web services in addition to email, phone calls, and face-to-face conversation.

One thing we’ve always tried to do at Family Council is embrace new technology when it comes along. That’s why we now have a Facebook page for the Arkansas Voter’s Guide—http://facebook.arkansasvotersguide.com/.
