Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Hurts Unborn Children: New Study

A study published Tuesday in the journal Frontiers In Pediatrics found marijuana use during pregnancy could decrease a newborn’s birthweight by approximately one-third of a pound.

Decreased birthweight is associated with health problems and developmental delays as children mature.

The study also found newborns exposed to marijuana in utero suffered from smaller head circumference. Smaller head circumference could indicate inadequate brain development during pregnancy.

Researchers analyzed medical records from 109 pregnant women who delivered at an obstetrics clinic at Central Michigan’s College of Medicine. Marijuana use was medically verified. This data was compared with the information of 171 women who did not use marijuana and served as the control group.

Contrary to popular belief, marijuana use is not a harmless recreational activity. The risks to fetal development — including low birth weight and impaired brain development — underscore that fact.

And this actually is not the first study to suggest that marijuana use during pregnancy may pose serious risks for unborn children. 

A 2021 study out of California found infants were 35% more likely to die within a year of birth if their mother used marijuana heavily, and that infants were more likely to be born preterm, have a low birth weight, and be small for their gestational age.

Besides harming unborn children, marijuana use can impair cognitive function, memory, and attention — especially for teens and young adults.

Research also indicates marijuana use may affect coordination and motor skills — potentially increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Marijuana use is scientifically linked to heart diseases, according to the American Heart Association.

A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found adults under age 45 who frequently use marijuana are roughly twice as likely to suffer from a heart attack as adults who do not use marijuana.

Smoking marijuana on a regular basis is associated with chronic cough and phlegm production. The American Lung Association writes simply that, “Smoking marijuana clearly damages the human lung.”

An NIH study published this year found young men who use marijuana heavily are at an increased risk of developing schizophrenia.

A 2022 study published in The Lancet determined that using marijuana with high levels of THC was linked to an increased risk of psychosis.

A 2021 report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found self-harm rates rose 46% among men ages 21 to 39 in states where commercial marijuana sales were legalized.

A 2019 study published in The Lancet found using marijuana with THC levels exceeding 10% increased the odds of a person suffering a psychotic episode.

The list goes on and one.

All of this underscores what we have said for years: Marijuana may be many things, but “harmless” simply is not one of them.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Taxpayers Still Subsidize the Arkansas Lottery’s Scholarship Fund

A state budget appropriation measure passed last months serves as a reminder that taxpayers in Arkansas are still heavily subsidizing the Arkansas Lottery’s college scholarship fund.

When voters passed the constitutional amendment legalizing the state-run lottery in 2008, Arkansans were promised that lottery ticket sales would generate $100 million per year for college scholarships.

Since then, the Arkansas Lottery has struggled to live up to those promises, and the Arkansas Legislature has continued to budget millions of dollars in taxpayer funding to supplement lottery scholarships each year.

In April the legislature appropriated $25 million for the Academic Challenge Scholarship — the scholarship that the lottery funds — for the state’s upcoming 2023-2024 budget cycle.

Even though the Arkansas Lottery makes hundreds of millions of dollars every year, relatively little money goes to students — and regular taxpayers still end up footing part of the bill for the scholarships.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Photo Credit: Powerball and Mega Millions Lottery Billboard in Missouri by Tony Webster, on Flickr.