Voluntary Sterilization on the Rise Post-Dobbs: Guest Column

Last month, medical researchers published a paper analyzing data on “permanent contraceptive procedures” among 18- to 30-year-olds. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the landmark Dobbs case, the number of both men and women aged 18 to 30 who pursue sterilization—of their own accord, for no medically necessary reason—is on the rise. And more women are pursuing these procedures than men. In the month immediately following the Dobbs decision, the number of young women who got tubal ligations jumped by over 20%. Since then, the number of additional women getting tubal ligations each month has almost doubled.  

And yet, “sterilization regret” is also on the rise. According to one study, women who undergo tubal ligations before age 30 are eight times more likely to undergo a reversal or pursue in vitro fertilization.  

The legacy of Roe v. Wade was to reduce sex to entertainment and see kids as a burden. To build a better future after Roe, we must help the next generation discover the beauty of life. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Daily Marijuana Use Outpaces Daily Drinking in U.S.: New Study

A recent study shows daily marijuana use now outpaces daily drinking in the U.S.

The study published in the journal Addiction examined self-reported marijuana use — looking at the number of people who reported using marijuana in the past day, past month, and past year. The results show daily or near-daily cannabis use rates have risen 15-fold from 1992 to 2022.

The findings also indicate the spike in marijuana use corresponds with changes in the laws governing marijuana.

The findings are troubling in light of a growing evidence of marijuana’s serious — and permanent — impact on physical and mental health.

body of scientific evidence reveals that marijuana is harmful — especially for teens and young adults. 

Nationwide, since 2019, the number of kids diagnosed with cannabis-induced mental disorders, including schizophrenia and psychotic episodes, has increased by 50%.

And research has shown time and again that marijuana has a significant potential for dependence and abuse.

Right now the group Arkansans for Patient Access is actively working to drastically expand marijuana in Arkansas.

The group has until July 5 to collect 90,704 petition signatures from registered voters to place the marijuana amendment on the ballot.

If passed, the amendment would give free marijuana cards to immigrants and out-of-state residents who come to Arkansas to use marijuana.

The amendment would guarantee marijuana growers and sellers a monopoly over the state’s marijuana industry.

Marijuana users would no longer need to show they suffer from a specific medical condition listed in state law — making it easier to use marijuana recreationally.

The measure also fails to limit the amount of THC that marijuana products can contain, and it repeals restrictions on marijuana advertising.

All of this would lead to more marijuana in the state.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.