Why Do Pro-Abortion Groups Seem Fixated on Rage?

Above: A graphic Planned Parenthood Action Fund posted on social media as part of an invitation for volunteers.

This week Planned Parenthood Action Fund published an invitation for volunteers under the heading, “Our Rage Will Be Heard.”

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, and the Action Fund contributes to candidates and other causes that align with Planned Parenthood’s mission.

The statement is just the latest example of pro-abortion groups encouraging people to turn to “rage.”

In May of 2022, the pro-abortion Women’s March announced that its “summer of rage is officially beginning” as many anticipated the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

After the court reversed Roe, fringe groups like Jane’s Revenge praised abortion activists who vandalized pro-life charities during the so-called “Night of Rage.”

Last year the Arkansas Abortion Support Network hosted a fundraiser letting people smash a car and other items. An invitation to the event said, “bring your rage, some enthusiasm for smashing, and a desire to fund abortion.”

Webster’s Dictionary defines “rage” as primarily “violent and uncontrolled anger;” “a fit of violent wrath;” or “violent action.”

Rage really has no place in democracy and civil discourse. Uncontrollable anger and violent wrath won’t lead to the kinds of changes anyone wants. Rage is destructive.

That belief has generally informed Family Council’s approach to defending the sanctity of human life. We oppose abortion. We agree with stopping abortion through any legal means. But we’ve never utilized the more aggressive tactics that some groups use.

Ten years ago it would have seemed ridiculous to say the pro-abortion movement thrives on “rage.” Unfortunately today it seems major pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood do exactly that.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Group Hires Additional Canvassers for Abortion Amendment Effort

The group working to enshrine abortion into the Arkansas Constitution has hired more than 100 paid canvassers to collect signatures for its statewide petition drive, according to public documents obtained from the Secretary of State via the Freedom of Information Act.

Arkansans for Limited Government has until July 5 to collect 90,704 valid signatures from registered voters to place the Arkansas Abortion Amendment on the November ballot.

State law lets ballot question committees hire Arkansas residents as petition canvassers paid to collect signatures.

The list obtained via FOIA indicates Arkansans for Limited Government currently has 119 paid canvassers — most of whom appear to be concentrated in central and northwest Arkansas.

The paid canvasser list was first acquired by Family Council Action Committee is available at FamilyCouncilActionCommittee.com.

If passed, the Arkansas Abortion Amendment would write abortion into the state constitution, allowing thousands of elective abortions in Arkansas every year.

The amendment does not contain any medical licensing or health and safety standards for abortion.

The measure prevents the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy, and it automatically nullifies all state laws that conflict with the amendment. That jeopardizes even the most basic health and safety restrictions on abortion.

The amendment’s health exceptions would permit abortion through all nine months of pregnancy in many cases.

It also would pave the way for publicly funded abortion in Arkansas by changing Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution that currently prohibits taxpayer funded abortion in the state.

To date, multiple organizations have come out against the amendment, including:

  • Arkansas Right to Life
  • Family Council Action Committee
  • Choose Life Arkansas
  • NWA Coalition for Life
  • The Arkansas Committee For Ethics Policy
  • The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
  • Saline Decline to Sign
  • Stronger Arkansas
  • Stop Abortion On Demand
  • Students for Life of America

You can download a copy of the abortion amendment here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Attorney General Griffin Says NY Abortion Center is Complying With Cease-and-Desist Letter

On Thursday Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin announced a New York abortion facility is complying with a cease-and-desist letter his office recently sent.

The A.G.’s office issued the cease-and-desist letter last month instructing the company to stop advertising abortion pills in Arkansas.

Abortion is generally prohibited in Arkansas except to save the life of the mother, and state law prohibits abortion drugs from being delivered “via courier, delivery, or mail service” in Arkansas.

The A.G. said Choices Women’s Medical Center has taken steps to stop promoting and providing abortion pills to Arkansans. In a statement, Attorney General Griffin said,

“On May 21, I sent a letter to Choices Women’s Medical Center of New York (Choices) instructing it to cease and desist from using its website to direct Arkansans to abortion pill services, specifically the website’s invitation for Arkansans to take the second round of abortion pills ‘at home’ after being administered the first round at a clinic outside of Arkansas.

“Choices has since removed the problematic language from its website, which resolves this violation of the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act (ADTPA). I have sent a letter notifying Choices that the organization has satisfactorily complied with my demand.

“Organizations cannot provide goods and services directly to Arkansans for use within Arkansas in a manner that violates Arkansas law. I will continue to hold organizations accountable for violations of the ADTPA and ensure that Arkansas laws protecting innocent life are followed.”

The A.G.’s office says it will continue to monitor Choices Women’s Medical Center’s website to ensure compliance with Arkansas law.

This is good news. Abortion drugs take the life of an unborn child. They also carry significant health risks for women — including risk of sepsis and death.

Delivering abortion drugs into Arkansas violates state law, and it puts women and unborn children at risk.

Family Council appreciates Attorney General Griffin’s willingness to stand up against pro-abortion companies from out-of-state.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.