State Reps Refuse to Pass Religious Freedom Bill

Please call your state representative at 501-682-6211, and ask him or her to support SB1119, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act by Rep. Ballinger and Sen. Hether.

SB1119, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act by Sen. Hesther and Rep. Ballinger, failed to pass the House Judiciary Committee today.

The bill initially passed on a voice-vote, but failed when committee members demanded a roll call vote be taken. The bill received 7 votes; it needed 11 to pass.

Rep. Ballinger can bring the bill up for a second vote—and it might pass, if some committee members who were absent today are present for that meeting—but here’s the deal: This bill should not even be controversial.

  • Alabama wrote language very similar to SB1119 into its state constitution in 1999.
  • Ohio’s state supreme court established its religious freedom protections through case law in the 1980s and 1990s. The standards Ohio uses to protect religious freedom are very similar to SB1119’s.
  • Arizona has a religious freedom law comparable to SB1119.
  • New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, and other states have similar laws as well.


California Bill Would Punish Boy Scouts, Others

The California Legislature is considering a bill that would punish nonprofit youth organizations like the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Little League, Special Olympics, American Youth Soccer Organization, Future Business Leaders of America, and many religious organizations that serve youth, because these organizations “discriminate on the basis of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or religious affiliations.”


UPDATED: Ask Your Representative to Support Religious Freedom

SB1119, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, needs your support.

This good law affirms the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and can prevent the future erosion of religious liberty. The Home School Legal Defense Association has written extensively about how state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts like this one help protect home schoolers who want to home school for religious reasons from harassment. Last week Texas’ religious freedom law was used to overturn a Dallas city ordinance preventing local ministries from distributing food to the homeless.
