With BSA Ditching the ‘Boy’ from Boy Scouts, Trail Life USA Offers Traditional Alternative: CBN News

After more than a century, the Boy Scouts of America is changing its name to become a more “inclusive” organization several years after welcoming girls and gay boys into its scouting program.

The Texas-based organization is dropping “Boys” from its title to become Scouting America – after holding its namesake for the last 114 years – to shed its image roiled in bankruptcy and sexual abuse claims.

The rebranding effort is a major shift for the organization that exclusively started for boys aged 11 to 15 and aimed to develop “good citizenship, chivalrous behavior, and skill in various outdoor activities.”

Read the full story from CBN’s Talia Wise: https://www2.cbn.com/news/us/critics-blast-bsa-ditching-boy-boy-scouts-wokeness-destroys-everything-it-touches

Boy Scouts to Admit Girls Into Program

Yesterday the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced it will admit girls into its scouting program beginning in 2018.

The decision has met with harsh criticism — particularly from the Girl Scouts.

Over the past few years, the Boy Scouts of America seems to have lost its way. This latest move is just one more in a long line of foolish mistakes the BSA has made since its 2013 decision to allow openly gay boys into its scouting program.

America needs productive men and women who know how to lead. That’s what has made organizations like the Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts so valuable for more than a century. We need organizations who understand and cater to the differences between boys and girls. Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts’ decision simply sows more confusion about gender into our culture.

Once upon a time the Boy Scouts of America helped boys grow up to become men. Sadly, today it seems the BSA has sacrificed its identity for the sake of political correctness.

Photo Credit: By Rennett Stowe from USA (Boy Scout on Memorial Day) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

CA Senate Votes to Revoke Scouts’ Tax-Exempt Status

From Baptist Press:

Less than a week after the Boy Scouts changed its policy to allow gay-identifying youth, the California Senate passed a law that would revoke the organization’s tax-exempt status if it doesn’t also allow gay leaders.

By Norman Rockwell for The Red Cross Magazine [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

We have written about this legislation before. Essentially this bill punishes organizations like the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Little League, Special Olympics, American Youth Soccer Organization, Future Business Leaders of America, and many religious organizations that serve youth, because these organizations “discriminate on the basis of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or religious affiliations.”

The Boy Scouts of America have already given in to activists who want to hijack scouting’s noble mission for their personal agenda, but evidently some lawmakers in California feel the Boy Scouts have not gone far enough.

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