Abortion Volunteers Prevent Women From Receiving Pro-Life Material Outside Little Rock Facility

Surveillance video footage seems to show pro-abortion volunteers blocking pro-lifers from sharing information with women outside Little Rock Family Planning Services — Arkansas’ only surgical abortion facility.

The video footage was obtained from the Little Rock Police Department via the state’s Freedom of Information Act.

In one clip from Thursday, June 2, a pro-life volunteer can be seen handing material to a passenger inside a vehicle at the facility.

A few seconds later, the video appears to show a pro-abortion volunteer taking the material away from the passenger before directing the vehicle into the abortion facility’s parking lot.

Family Council staff spoke with a source familiar with the situation who said the material contained information about options besides abortion.

You can watch that video clip below.

In other surveillance video footage from Friday, June 3, 2022, a pro-abortion volunteer can be seen hurrying to direct vehicles past pro-lifers outside the facility before walking back onto the abortion facility’s property.

These efforts appear to be intended to prevent pro-lifers from communicating with women at the abortion facility.

You can see some of those video clips below.

9:29 AM June 3

9:30 AM June 3

9:34 AM June 3

Arkansas’ informed-consent laws require that women be given all the facts about abortion — including its risks, consequences, and alternatives — and pro-lifers work very hard to let women know that they have options besides abortion.

Unfortunately, these surveillance videos seem to indicate that volunteers for the abortion facility in Little Rock don’t want women to know about those options.

In May, Family Council received video of pro-abortion volunteers using loud music and umbrellas to block pro-lifers from engaging in outreach outside Little Rock Family Planning Services.

Additionally, Little Rock Police have documented multiple incidents outside the surgical abortion facility in over the years, and recently placed a mobile surveillance tower near the facility to deter criminal behavior.

Every day that Little Rock Family Planning Services is open for business, pro-lifers gather for peaceful prayer and to talk with women about pro-life alternatives to abortion. Multiple unborn children have been saved from abortion because of their ministry.

Some pro-life groups estimate the “no-show” rate for abortion appointments can go to as high as 75% when people pray in front of an abortion facility.

The fact that pro-abortion volunteers would want stop pro-lifers from making contact with women at the abortion facility speaks volumes about how effective this pro-life ministry is.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

LRPD Stations Mobile Surveillance Tower Near Little Rock Abortion Facility, Pregnancy Center

Above: LRPD recently stationed a mobile surveillance tower near an abortion facility and a pro-life pregnancy resource center in west Little Rock.

Recently, Family Council learned that the Little Rock Police Department stationed one of its mobile surveillance towers at a location near Little Rock Family Planning Services and Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center in west Little Rock.

Little Rock Family Planning Services is Arkansas’ only surgical abortion facility.

Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center, located next door, is a pro-life center that helps women with unplanned pregnancies choose options besides abortion.

The LRPD uses mobile surveillance towers to increase the visibility of police presence and deter crime in the community.

In a statement provided to Family Council, Lt. John Michael Trent of the Little Rock Police Department said,

With national events involving abortion and in particular this topic being propelled to the spotlight regarding the leaked document from the United State Supreme Court it was my opinion this tower was placed in this area with hopes to deter any criminal behavior or problems from anyone. We have used this tower in the past for other events, businesses and places and overall it does seem to be a strong deterrent regarding criminal behavior.

Lt. Trent also said the goal “is to be as proactive as possible,” and indicated that the tower’s location would be reevaluated after 30 days.

In the wake of the leaked U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, pro-life organizations have been targeted by vandals and arsonists, and pro-abortion activists have promised a “summer of rage” is Roe is reversed.

Additionally, Little Rock Police have documented multiple incidents outside the surgical abortion facility in recent years.

We deeply appreciate the Little Rock Police Department taking steps to be proactive in protecting Arkansans and keeping our community safe. We hope and pray that our country remains peaceful if and when the U.S. Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Abortion In Arkansas Remains Near Forty-Five Year Low

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Little Rock, Ark.—On Wednesday the Arkansas Department of Health released its annual abortion reports for the state. The reports show there were 3,133 abortions in Arkansas during 2021.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement saying, “Arkansas is saving unborn children, protecting women, and ending abortion one step at a time. These reports show abortion is near a forty-five year low. Abortion in Arkansas has declined drastically since 1991, and the state’s abortion rate has been cut in half since 2001. Fewer women came to Arkansas from out of state for abortions last year than in 2020. Teen abortion in Arkansas has remained near an all-time low. We want to end abortion in our state, and these reports show that we are doing that.”

Cox said the reports also show Arkansas’ informed-consent laws have helped women choose options besides abortion. “Arkansas has some of the best informed-consent laws in America. These laws require abortionists to give women all the facts about abortion up front, including abortion’s risks, consequences, and alternatives. They also have to give women plenty of time to consider all options before making a final decision. We estimate from these reports that more than 700 women chose not to have abortions last year after receiving this information.”

Cox said the reports underscore why it is so important that the Arkansas Legislature voted to appropriate one million dollars this year to help women with unplanned pregnancies. “These reports reveal that between fifty-eight and sixty-eight percent of all abortions last year were on single moms. We have to help these women if we want to end abortion. The money that the State of Arkansas appropriated this year will make it possible for single mothers and women with unplanned pregnancies to choose options besides abortion in the future. That’s a good thing.”

Cox said he is hopeful that the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade and once again let states make their own abortion laws. In that case, Cox believes that abortion will be illegal in Arkansas except for purposes of saving the life of the mother. “We have strived for many years to bring Arkansas to the point where human life will be respected, and we look forward to a day when abortion is on the trash heap of history where it belongs.”
