Arsonists Attack Pro-Family Group’s Office in Wisconsin

Above: Arsonists attacked Wisconsin Family Action’s office in Madison with Molotov cocktails on Mother’s Day.

Early in the morning on Mother’s Day arsonists set fire to the office of Wisconsin Family Action, a pro-life, pro-family organization in Madison, Wisconsin.

The attack reportedly was carried out by a local anarchist group. It comes following a leaked draft of a U.S. Supreme Court decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

In a statement issued Sunday, Wisconsin Family Action said,

Early this morning a leftist anarchist group attacked Wisconsin Family Action’s office in Madison, throwing two Molotov cocktails into the office, after breaking windows, and then proceeded to light a fire. The arsonists posted graffiti on the outside of the building near the group’s offices. The message was, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.” Anarchy 1312 took responsibility for the attack, leaving its logo on an outside wall.

Julaine Appling, president of Wisconsin Family Action, issued the following statement:

“While this attack was directly provoked by the leaked draft opinion from the US Supreme Court in the Dobbs case earlier this week, this has far broader implication. Apparently, the tolerance that the left demands is truly a one-way street. Violence has become their answer to everything. This is what happens when leadership is missing or when leadership implies that violence is ok. In 2020, Governor Tony Evers basically looked the other way when violence erupted in Kenosha and Madison. That kind of non-response fosters what happened to us this morning, leaving Wisconsin citizens who disagree with his policies extremely vulnerable to similar violence.

In fact, Governor Evers’s response to today’s incident said nothing about demanding a full investigation and criminal prosecution. He just told his supporters he’d keep supporting abortion.

“But this attack fails to frighten us, and instead steels the resolve of law-abiding, common-sense, every-day folks to stand up and push back. We know today it is Wisconsin Family Action getting Molotov cocktails tossed through broken windows and fires ignited, but tomorrow it could be anyone in our state or another state who is attacked because we disagree with a policy or action, give voice to the voiceless, or stand up for what’s right.

“Americans see through the hypocrisy of the left. The violence needs to stop and stop now. It’s not the answer to any question or any problem. Just because the liberals don’t get their way, doesn’t give them license to threaten bodily harm or to burn and destroy.”

“Wisconsin has had enough of this kind of terror condoned by current state and national leaders. But we are still standing. We still support freedom. We love our republic and care for our neighbors. We will repair our offices, remain on the job, and build an even stronger grassroots effort. We will not back down. We will not stop doing what we are doing. Too much is at stake.”

Above: Graffiti left on the side of Wisconsin Family Action’s office building in Sunday’s attack.

In a separate statement issued Sunday, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said,

“The Left’s violence and intimidation designed to silence the voice of Americans who stand for life will not succeed; it will fail. The violent and illegal actions of abortion supporters only reveal the true nature of abortion to America. Abortion on demand until birth unleashed violence and a culture of death.

“Abortion is not a political issue, and it’s not even a policy issue at its core. Abortion is a profoundly moral and spiritual issue that cuts to the heart of who we are as a people.

“We are grateful for the unwavering leadership of Wisconsin Family Action and the dozens of family policy councils around the country that are committed to the sanctity of all human life.”

Arkansas’ Leaders Respond to Leaked U.S. Supreme Court Draft Opinion Overturning Roe

On Monday night, news outlets reported that a draft opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health abortion case had been leaked to the media.

The draft opinion seems to indicate that the U.S. Supreme Court plans to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court abortion decision.

Leaders from Arkansas issued statements in the wake of the draft ruling’s publication.

Governor Asa Hutchinson wrote:

I have advocated for the reversal of Roe v. Wade all my political career. The leak from someone within the court is reprehensible and should lead to an investigation but I do hope the court returns authority to the states.

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge wrote:

Join me in praying that the Supreme Court has in fact voted to overturn the egregious decision of Roe, follow the Constitution and return the power to states to protect life—which we will in Arkansas!

The party responsible for this unprecedented, politically motivated leak must be held accountable & we pray that the Court remains firm in its decision.

Lt. Governor Tim Griffin issued two tweets, saying:

I have long believed Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided & #SCOTUS should return debates about abortion to the people & their representatives. This draft decision would allow states like Arkansas to recognize the humanity of unborn children through the legislative process.

The unprecedented leak of this #SCOTUS opinion is inexcusable and an investigation into the origins of the leak must ensue. Please join me in praying for wisdom, discernment, & safety for the members of the Court & their families.

U.S. Sen. John Boozman tweeted:

The breach of the Supreme Court’s confidentiality and decorum is troubling and serves to undermine its role in our system. When the Court formally issues its decision in the Dobbs case, I pray it gives Arkansas and every other state the power to protect innocent, unborn children.

U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton tweeted:

The Supreme Court & the DOJ must get to the bottom of this leak immediately using every investigative tool necessary.

In the meantime, Roe was egregiously wrong from the beginning & I pray the Court follows the Constitution & allows the states to once again protect unborn life.

U.S. Congressman Rick Crawford (AR-01) issued a press release, saying:

“As a consistently pro-Life American, I have long called for overturning Roe v. Wade, an egregious case of Justices making laws rather than interpreting the laws written by our democratically-elected Representatives. Overturning Roe would return abortion issues to our democratic process and restore the genius of the framework outlined in our Constitution,” Crawford said. “It would also save countless babies’ lives.”

U.S. Congressman French Hill tweeted:

The leak of Justice Alito’s draft opinion is alarming & undermines the integrity & independence of the Supreme Court and erodes further confidence in the functionality of our institutions. As a man of faith & father, I will always value life & support policies that reflect that.

U.S. Congressman Steve Womack (AR-03) tweeted:

The leak from #SCOTUS is an unprecedented breach and attempt to subvert the impartial deliberations of our nation’s highest court. This unethical violation must be immediately investigated. I have always stood up for the sanctity of life and will continue to do so in Congress.

U.S. Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) wrote:

As a nation, we depend on SCOTUS’ impartiality.

The leaker’s attempt to subvert the proper judicial process, whatever the motivation, must not succeed.

He or she must be found and punished according to SCOTUS’ rules and regulations for this blatant attack on the rule of law.

Arkansas Right to Life shared a press release from National Right to Life Committee, saying:

In response to the Politico article claiming to have a copy of the initial draft of the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, National Right to Life agrees with the statement of Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch who said, “We will let the Supreme Court speak for itself and wait for the Court’s official opinion.”

Read Family Council’s Statement on the Draft Opinion Here.

Family Council Responds to Report that Roe v. Wade Will Be Overturned

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

LITTLE ROCK, AR – On Monday night, news outlets reported that a draft opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health abortion case had been leaked to the media. The draft opinion seems to indicate that the U.S. Supreme Court plans to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court abortion decision. 

Family Council President Jerry Cox issued a statement, saying, “It’s incredible to know that the U.S. Supreme Court may be planning to overturn Roe v. Wade. There are people who have dedicated their entire lives to doing exactly that. It appears that when this draft opinion was written in February, a majority of the Court’s nine justices wanted to overturn Roe. The draft opinion says plainly that ‘Roe was egregiously wrong from the start.’ If the court reverses Roe, then thousands of unborn babies will be saved from abortion in Arkansas and elsewhere every year. But this is not a done deal. The justices could still change their votes. This ruling won’t be final until the court releases its official decision between now and the end of June.”

Cox said the draft opinion would put the issue of abortion under the purview of state lawmakers and congress. “Unfortunately, the fight over abortion is not over. It has entered a different phase. The draft opinion would not end abortion altogether. It would leave the door open for state legislators and congress to pass their own abortion laws. If the U.S. Supreme Court issues this opinion as its official decision in a few weeks, it will be up to states to decide what abortion laws they want to enact.”

Cox said that Arkansas’ lawmakers and pro-life advocates have worked to prepare the state for such a time as this. “We are all blessed to live in Arkansas, the most pro-life state in the nation. Arkansans are pro-life, and our laws reflect that. When this ruling is final, there will be no safer place for women and their unborn children than in Arkansas. Our good, pro-life laws that are already on the books will become enforceable. Under those laws, women will be protected from the harm that abortion causes them, and unborn children will get to live and grow up.”

Cox outlined a few of Arkansas’ laws that will prohibit abortion if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade next month. “Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution says that Arkansas will protect the life of every unborn child as much as the federal constitution allows. The Arkansas Legislature passed a ‘trigger law’ in 2019 that makes abortion illegal, except to save the mother’s life, if Roe v. Wade is reversed. The Arkansas Legislature also passed a law in 2021 prohibiting abortion except to save the mother’s life. That law is tied up in federal court right now, but it could be enforced if the court overturns Roe v. Wade.”

Cox said he does not believe abortionists in Arkansas will give up if Roe v. Wade is overturned. “I expect groups like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and those who profit financially from abortion will work to keep abortion legal in places like California, and they will work to make abortion legal in places like Arkansas. We are confident that Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and her staff will fight to see Arkansas’ pro-life laws enforced. The Arkansas Legislature may be the most pro-life legislature in the nation. If more laws are needed after the Supreme Court ruling is made final, we are confident Arkansas’ lawmakers will pass any additional laws necessary. Overturning Roe v. Wade would be a huge victory, but there may still be work to do.”

Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock with a mission of promoting, protecting, and strengthening traditional family values.
