Pro-Abortion Group Vows to Fight Legislation Prohibiting Abortion in Arkansas

This week the pro-abortion group Arkansas Abortion Support Network issued a press release vowing to oppose S.B. 6, the Arkansas Unborn Child Protection Act, by Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville).

The Arkansas Unborn Child Protection Act would prohibit abortion in Arkansas except when the mother’s life is at risk. The bill would give the federal courts an opportunity to dismantle Roe v. Wade and other pro-abortion rulings.

Arkansas Abortion Support Network says it plans to organize phone calls to state legislators, post card writing campaigns, letters to the editor, and demonstrations at the Arkansas Capitol.

It’s important to remember that the vast majority of Arkansans believe abortion ought to be either completely illegal or legal only in certain circumstances. That’s what the Unborn Child Protection Act does.

Pro-life Arkansans need to be prepared to stand up for the sanctity and dignity of human life in 2021.

Family Council is committed to supporting S.B. 6, the Arkansas Unborn Child Protection Act, and we plan to encourage all of our friends and supporters around the state to do the same.

Second Hate Crimes Bill Filed at Arkansas Legislature

On Wednesday Rep. Fred Love (D — Little Rock) pre-filed a second hate crimes bill at the Arkansas Legislature: H.B. 1020.

The bill is virtually identical to S.B. 3 by Sen. Jim Hendren (R — Gravette) and Rep. Fred Love enacting hate crimes legislation in Arkansas.

Family Council has opposed hate crimes legislation for more than 25 years.

These bills write special protections into state law for groups of people based on sexual-orientation, gender-identity, and other characteristics.

These laws simply do not work. Data from the FBI indicates that they don’t protect people, and violent hate crimes have continued to occur in states with laws like these on the books.

Hate crimes laws promote unequal justice, and they can carry serious, unintended consequences. Ultimately, these laws end up punishing people for their speech and their beliefs instead of simply punishing them for their actions.

That’s part of the reason groups like the Washington County Republican Committee have issued statements opposing hate crimes legislation in Arkansas.

Arkansans can sign a letter opposing hate crimes legislation. A copy of the letter and the names of those who sign it will be published and shared with state legislators and others.

Family Council will continue to oppose hate crimes measures like S.B. 3. and H.B. 1020. This legislation was a bad idea 25 years ago, and it’s still a bad idea today.