Planned Parenthood Gave $2,900 to AR Senate Candidate in January: Report

Quarterly financial reports from the Secretary of State’s Office show the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, has spent nearly $3,000 electioneering in Arkansas so far this year.

Last week Planned Parenthood’s political action committee filed its first quarter financial report for 2022 with the State of Arkansas.

According to the report, the PAC gave $2,900 to Lisa Carole Parks (D – Springdale) on January 31 in support of her special election campaign for State Senate District 7.

Parks lost that special election in February, but since then she has filed to run for State Senate in the 2022 general election this November.

This is not the first time Planned Parenthood has given money to candidates running for office in Arkansas.

In 2020 Planned Parenthood Federation announced it would spend at least $45 million in an effort to unseat pro-life lawmakers and elect candidates who support abortion.

As part of that plan, the group used its PAC in Arkansas to support candidates for state and federal office.

Four of the candidates Planned Parenthood endorsed — Rep. Denise Ennet (D – Little Rock), Rep. Tippi McCullough (D – Little Rock), Sen. Clarke Tucker (D – Little Rock), and Rep. David Whitaker (D – Fayetteville) — won their elections.

Planned Parenthood’s political action committee reportedly has a little over $12,000 that it could spend influencing elections in Arkansas this year.

Read The First Quarter 2022 Financial Report From Planned Parenthood Great Plains Votes Arkansas Here.

National Right to Life and Arkansas Right to Life Political Action Committee Endorses Representatives Crawford, Hill, Womack and Westerman

The following is a press release from Arkansas Right to Life PAC and National Right to Life.

April 11, 2022

Rose Mimms, Executive Director
501-663-4237 or 501-920-2276

National Right to Life and Arkansas Right to Life Political Action Committee 
Endorses Representatives Crawford, Hill, Womack and Westerman

National Right to Life, along with Arkansas Right to Life Political Action Committee, announced their joint endorsement of all four members of Arkansas’s Congressional Delegation for re-election: Congressman Rick Crawford (Arkansas’s 1st District), Congressman French Hill (Arkansas’s 2nd District), Congressman Steve Womack (Arkansas’s 3rd District), and Congressman Bruce Westerman (Arkansas’s 4th District).

“National Right to Life is pleased to endorse Congressmen Rick Crawford, French Hill, Steve Womack, and Bruce Westerman for re-election,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “All four Congressmen maintained pro-life voting records in the U.S. House. Their unwavering commitment to the right to life stands in stark contrast to the pro-abortion agenda pushed by Speaker Pelosi and Congressional Democrats that threatens to expand abortion-on-demand for any reason and force taxpayers to pay for abortions.”

“Arkansas Right to Life PAC is grateful for the strong pro-life leadership of Congressmen Rick Crawford, French Hill, Steve Womack, and Bruce Westerman,” said Rose Mimms, executive director of Arkansas Right to Life. “That every member of the Arkansas Congressional Delegation is a champion for life is a testament to the hard work and perseverance of pro-life grassroots leaders and volunteers across our state. We encourage voters to return Congressmen Crawford, Hill, Womack, and Westerman to Congress so they may continue to advocate for policies that respect human life from conception to natural death.”

The Arkansas Congressional Delegation co-sponsored and voted for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This legislation would protect unborn children at 20 weeks, a point by which the unborn child is capable of experiencing great pain when being killed by dismemberment or other late abortion methods.

The Arkansas Congressional Delegation voted numerous times against using tax dollars to pay for abortion, and they oppose taxpayer funding of abortion providers. They support the longstanding Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from being used to pay for abortions.

The Arkansas Congressional Delegation voted against the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act, which should be called the no-limits-on-abortion-until-birth act, which would enshrine abortion in federal law and policies and would tear down protective laws on the state level, including Arkansas’s parental involvement and informed consent laws.

“The four members of Congress from Arkansas have worked to see that all innocent human life is protected, and they are committed to strengthening a culture of life nationwide,” said Tobias. “We look forward to continuing our important work with Congressmen Crawford, Hill, Womack, and Westerman to protect the most vulnerable members of the human family.”

Founded in 1968, the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of affiliates in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia and more than 3,000 local chapters, is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement, National Right to Life works through legislation and education to protect innocent human life from abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia.

For more information contact Mimms at 501-663-4237 or email


Arkansas Right to Life is the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee the oldest and largest pro-life organization. For more information visit

Abortion Facility Owner’s Trial in Assault Case Moved to July

On Tuesday the court in Little Rock granted a continuance in abortion facility owner Natalie Tvedten’s assault case, according to information posted online from Arkansas’ Administrative Office of the Courts.

Tvedten’s attorney did not immediately respond to an email request for comment.

According to court documents from 2020, Tvedten is one of the owners of Little Rock Family Planning Services, a surgical abortion facility in Little Rock.

The Little Rock Police Department’s warrant and arrest report in the case indicates that Tvedten faces two counts of Assault in the First Degree for allegedly trying to strike pro-lifers with her vehicle while they prayed on the public easement outside the abortion facility on July 13, 2021.

Tvedten’s new court date is set for July 6, 2022.

Family Council has collected Little Rock Police reports documenting multiple close calls that pro-lifers have had with vehicles outside the surgical abortion facility.

Below is video footage of the the alleged July 13 incident that Family Council obtained last year via Arkansas’ Freedom of Information Act.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.