Outlook on Shutdown Depends on How You See Obamacare

The federal government is “shut down” today.

I use the words “shut down” somewhat loosely, because most Americans won’t be able to tell the government is closed unless they try to get into some place like Yosemite National Park or tour a NASA facility. Only the “non-essential” government personnel are absent today, and it seems the federal government considers most of its employees pretty essential.

Heritage Foundation wrote this morning that the media buzz over the government shutdown has approached “Y2K proportions.” How you see the shutdown, however, largely depends on one thing: How you see Obamacare.


FDA Taking Comments on Three-Parent Embryo Research

Scientists have begun controversial research into creating embryos with three parents—two mothers and one father.

Children created by the research have three biological parents. The UK’s Embryo Authority approved three-parent in vitro fertilization earlier this year, and many are hoping the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will follow suit.

Three-parent embryo research is controversial for several reasons. Three specific reasons, however, are: (more…)

Words from Our Presidents: Bush, Sr., on the Freedom of Religion

As part of a series entitled Words from Our Presidents we are bringing you different from quotes from U.S. Presidents on religion, religious liberty, and individual freedom. Today we have a quote from President George H. W. Bush’s remarks to the National Association of Evangelicals in Chicago, Illinois, from March 3, 1992.

“Some people seem to believe that freedom of religion requires government to keep our lives free from religion. Well, I believe they’re just plain wrong. Our government was founded on faith. Government must never promote a religion, of course, but it is duty bound to promote religious liberty. And it must never put the believer at a disadvantage because of his belief.”

President George H. W. Bush
March 3, 1992