Changing, Not Expanding, Marriage

Eric Metaxas has published a thoughtful commentary at the Chuck Colson Center articulating how same-sex marriage is changing marriage–not simply “expanding” it as many proponents of same-sex marriage try to argue.

Metaxas writes,

“The problem is that same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples are not nearly as alike as those making these arguments would have us believe. . . .

“Last year, in a Daily Beast article provocatively entitled ‘Were Christians Right About Gay Marriage All Along?’ gay activist Jay Michaelson acknowledged that there ‘is some truth to the conservative claim that gay marriage is changing, not just expanding, marriage.’

“Michaelson cited a 2013 study finding that ‘about half of gay marriages surveyed . . . [are] not strictly monogamous.’ He called this fact ‘well-known in the gay community,’ adding that ‘we assume it’s more like three-quarters’ that are not monogamous. They are, to cite a now-popular phrase, ‘monagam-ish.’

“Michaelson admitted that his straight friends who believed that they ‘were fighting for marriage equality, not marriage redefinition,’ felt ‘duped.’ But he was unapologetic. In his words, ‘actual monogamy has never been an actual norm,’ as opposed to an ideal.”

You can listen to Metaxas’ full commentary below or read it here.


Christians Are To Promote That Which Is Good, Not Evil

A_Cross_of_Candle_LightThe following is a guest post by Luke McCoy.

Many LGBT advocates often misunderstand people of faith who oppose homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Many of those advocates invoke verses like Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that ye be not judged,” (KJV) or Matthew 22:39, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” (KJV). They sometimes accuse people of faith of being hypocritical, judgmental, or lacking compassion.

However, Scripture tells Christians to do many things, one of which is to cling to what is good and abhor evil. Is it possible to “love thy neighbor as thyself,” not be judgmental, and still be against sinful activity? I believe so.


Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Policy to “Serve All Girls”

The following blog post is by Deborah Beuerman.

Articles published recently announced that boys who would rather live as girls can now be included as members of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.

A transgender girl—a boy who acts like a girl—who is treated as a girl by his family will be accepted as a “girl” by Girl Scouts. This is really not new news.  A 7-year old boy who had been living as a girl since he was 2 was allowed to join a troop in 2012.

Sadly, a policy of inclusion has been in place for many years, with the Girl Scout membership policy simply stating that Girl Scouts is open to all girls.  On the face this sounds good, but such a simple statement without more definition can be broadly interpreted, and can be the basis for removing guiding principles for the organization.  Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low did want diversity in scouting, but the definition of her day was quite different from the “diversity and tolerance” of our day.  While she did not want to exclude any girl because of race, socioeconomic class, or disability, today’s idea of including generally is focused on sexuality.
