Federal Government Still Funneling Money to Planned Parenthood’s Sex Ed Programs

Last month the federal Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Population Affairs announced it was awarding $56.3 million to different groups to conduct teen pregnancy prevention programs around the country.

The announcement showed that beginning July 1, the federal government would award more than $1.1 million to Planned Parenthood of Greater New York and more than $684,000 to Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.

The funding is part of a three-year grant from the federal government.

Planned Parenthood will be able to use this money to conduct sex education programs in New York and parts of the Midwest.

We know from experience that Planned Parenthood’s sex education simply does not work.

The Obama Administration gave Planned Parenthood millions of dollars to conduct teen pregnancy prevention programs in the Pacific Northwest.

Students who went through these sex education programs actually were more likely to become pregnant or cause a pregnancy afterward.

In other words, Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs did exactly the opposite of what the federal government had wanted.

In the 1980s and 1990s, public officials in Arkansas promoted Planned Parenthood-style sex education. The programs failed to have a meaningful impact on teen pregnancy and abortion in Arkansas.

These programs focused on teaching public school students about contraceptive use.

During that time, Arkansas’ teen birth rate remained high, and teenagers were among those most likely to have an abortion.

In 1997 the state switched strategies, promoting abstinence-based sex-education in public schools. The results were nothing short of staggering.

Teen birth rates and teen abortion rates in Arkansas plummeted.

From 1997 to 2003, the teen abortion rate fell by approximately 37%, and the teen birth rate fell by 16%.

Arkansas’ abstinence education program was so successful that it garnered national attention from other states.

Despite this history, state legislators narrowly defeated a proposal to implement comprehensive sex education in Arkansas last year.

S.B. 304 by Sen. Will Bond (D – Little Rock) and Rep. LeAnne Burch (D – Monticello) would have made it possible for Planned Parenthood to worm its way into junior high and high schools across Arkansas under the auspices of teaching teen pregnancy prevention and sex education.

The bill was narrowly defeated in the House Education Committee.

All of this underscores why Arkansas does not need to mandate comprehensive sex education in public schools.

If we do, it will almost certainly let groups like Planned Parenthood into our public schools — and they may be able to use the programs to get federal taxpayer funding in the process.

Photo Credit: Planned Parenthood Sticker by dogra on Flickr.

Planned Parenthood Tries to Distance Itself From Founder Margaret Sanger

On Tuesday Planned Parenthood in New York announced it is taking steps to distance itself from its founder, Margaret Sanger.

In a press release posted on its website, the abortion giant wote,

Today, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced its plans to remove Margaret Sanger’s name from the Manhattan Health Center as a public commitment to reckon with its founder’s harmful connections to the eugenics movement. PPGNY also announced it is working with the Community Board, City Council and community to rename an honorary street sign that marks the “Margaret Sanger Square” at the intersection of Bleecker and Mott Streets in Manhattan. 

Sanger founded the organization that eventually became Planned Parenthood Federation of America in New York in 1921, and she promoted birth control in African-American communities.

Sanger was a member of the eugenics movement, which pushed for pregnancy prevention and sterilization among so-called “unfit” members of society.

The eugenics movement was notorious in the U.S. and abroad for targeting certain races and ethnic groups as well as the poor, the sick, and the disabled, and Sanger praised eugenics efforts to sterilize the physically and mentally disabled.

Planned Parenthood has worked for years to downplay or dismiss Sanger’s views on eugenics.

Even as recently as 2016 the organization published documents attempting to sanitize many of Sanger’s beliefs and actions.

That could be because Margaret Sanger is so thoroughly woven into the legacy of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood named its facility in New York after Margaret Sanger.

It worked with city officials to have a street named after her.

Up until 2015, it gave out its highest honor, the Margaret Sanger Award, annually to individuals who align with Planned Parenthood’s mission.

For Planned Parenthood now to try to distance itself from Margaret Sanger is very telling.

However, it’s important to understand that even if Planned Parenthood takes Margaret Sanger’s name off the signs outside its buildings, that won’t change the fact that approximately one in three abortions are performed in a Planned Parenthood facility.

Abortion still targets minorities and women living in poverty both in Arkansas and across the nation.

According to state reports, 46% of all abortions performed in Arkansas in 2019 were on African-American women despite the fact that African-Americans make up approximately 15% – 16% of the state population.

Most abortions performed in Arkansas are on single moms, who face a higher risk of living in poverty.

To put it plainly:

Taking Margaret Sanger’s name off the side of an abortion facility might show that Planned Parenthood is facing tremendous pressure to improve its public image, but it does nothing to change the death and destruction that Planned Parenthood causes every year as the nation’s leading abortion provider.