Federal Judge in Little Rock Blocks Pro-Life Law

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Little Rock, Ark. — On Tuesday U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker in Little Rock blocked Act 309 of 2021. Act 309 generally prohibits abortion in Arkansas except when the mother’s life is at stake. The law is slated to take effect July 28.

Family Council President Jerry Cox issued a statement saying, “This bad ruling is unfortunate, but it isn’t surprising. Judge Baker has a consistent track record of ruling in favor of abortionists. In the past the Eighth Circuit has overturned some of her bad rulings, and we believe that Arkansas will get a better decision as this case is appealed.”

Cox said the lawsuit over Act 309 will provide federal courts with an opportunity to overturn past decisions on abortion. “This is an opportunity for federal courts to fix bad decisions like Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. These pro-abortion rulings were wrongly decided. They have cost the lives of millions of unborn children. As this case is appealed, we hope courts will rethink and overturn these past rulings.”

Cox praised Arkansas’ elected officials for standing by Act 309. “Act 309 passed with strong support from the General Assembly earlier this year. Governor Hutchinson signed it into law, and Attorney General Rutledge is defending it in court. This is a good law that is challenging the status quo on abortion and will save countless lives if enforced. Arkansans should be proud of their elected officials for standing up for the unborn.”


Washington County Passes Pro-Life Resolution

On Thursday the Washington County Quorum Court overwhelmingly passed a resolution to declare that the county is Pro-Life.

The resolution reads,

WHEREAS, we affirm that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness; and,

WHEREAS, we affirm our belief that God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them, Genesis 1:27; and,

WHEREAS, Amendment 68 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas makes clear that we are to protect the life of every unborn child from conception until birth, to the extent permitted by the Federal Government; and,

WHEREAS, it is the duty of governments, such as ours, to protect this unalienable right to life of every person within our jurisdiction.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE QUORUM COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, that Washington County, Arkansas, declares itself to be a Pro Life County, committed to the protection of all lives, including the lives of the unborn.

The resolution passed by a vote of 10-4.

This resolution sends a powerful message about where Washington County stands on abortion.

Planned Parenthood operated an abortion facility in Washington County for many years, but the facility closed in 2019 after the group’s landlord reportedly chose not to renew their lease. The fact that Washington County’s elected leaders passed this pro-life resolution shows that they want to protect the lives of unborn children in their community.

Any city, town, or county in Arkansas can pass a pro-life resolution like the one Washington County passed. In 2019 the City of Springdale passed a good, pro-life resolution.

Public opinion polling shows Arkansans are overwhelmingly pro-life. We hope other communities will do what Springdale and Washington County have done by passing their own pro-life resolutions soon.

Arkansas Joins Amicus Brief Supporting Pro-Life Law in South Carolina

On Tuesday the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office joined nineteen other state attorneys general in an amicus brief supporting a pro-life law in South Carolina.

The amicus brief was filed with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. It supports the State of South Carolina in a federal lawsuit over the state’s pro-life fetal heartbeat law.

South Carolina’s law requires abortionists to perform an ultrasound before an abortion. It prohibits abortion if a fetal heartbeat is detected. The law also contains exceptions for cases of rape, incest, medical emergency, or fetal abnormality.

Planned Parenthood and others challenged South Carolina’s law in court.

In response, the amicus brief that Arkansas and others joined notes that 24 states require an abortionist to offer to display an ultrasound image to the pregnant mother before performing the abortion, and 16 states have enacted laws requiring abortionists to let her hear the unborn baby’s heartbeat.

It’s worth pointing out that earlier this year the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 498 requiring an abortionist to show an ultrasound image of the unborn baby to the pregnant woman before an abortion. The law also requires the abortionist to explain the ultrasound images to the pregnant woman, and it contains exceptions for abortions performed due to medical emergencies.

Research indicates that some women are less likely to have an abortion once they see an ultrasound image of their unborn child — meaning these types of laws can save lives.

All told, 20 states signed the amicus brief supporting South Carolina’s pro-life law, including:

  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arkansas
  4. Georgia
  5. Idaho
  6. Indiana
  7. Kansas
  8. Kentucky
  9. Louisiana
  10. Mississippi
  11. Missouri
  12. Montana
  13. Nebraska,
  14. North Dakota
  15. Ohio
  16. Oklahoma
  17. Tennessee
  18. Texas
  19. Utah
  20. West Virginia

You can read the amicus brief here.