22 States Sign Brief Supporting Arkansas’ Ban on Down Syndrome Abortions

On Thursday, 22 state attorneys general signed an amicus brief at the U.S. Supreme Court supporting Arkansas’ law that bans abortions performed because the unborn child may have Down Syndrome.

In 2019 the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 619 prohibiting abortion of an unborn baby solely because the child has Down Syndrome.

At the time, Family Council estimated that Act 619 could save upwards of 100 unborn children in Arkansas every single year.

In response, the ACLU and the state’s only surgical abortion facility sued the State of Arkansas to have the law struck down. Federal courts subsequently blocked Arkansas from enforcing the law.

Even though a three-judge panel from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the law should remain blocked, two of the judges asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review its precedent on pro-life laws that protect unborn children — like those who may have Down Syndrome — from abortion.

In April Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the nation’s highest court to take up the case.

Now 22 other states have joined the fight to support this good law. The states are:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Utah
  • West Virginia

Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch writes that Arkansas’ law advances at least eight compelling state interests:

  • Protecting the entire class of persons with Down Syndrome from being targeted for elimination solely because of disability;
  • Eradicating historical animus and bias against persons with Down Syndrome;
  • Safeguarding the integrity of the medical profession by preventing doctors from abandoning their traditional role as healers to become the killers of disabled populations;
  • Drawing a clear boundary against additional eugenic practices targeted at disabled persons and others;
  • Countering the stigma that eugenic abortion currently imposes on persons with disabilities;
  • Ensuring that the existing Down Syndrome community does not become starved of resources for research and care for individuals with Down Syndrome;
  • Protecting against the devaluation of all human life inherent in any decision to target a person for elimination based on an immutable characteristic; and
  • Fostering the diversity of society and protecting society from the incalculable loss that would occur if people with Down Syndrome were eliminated.

Many people are closely watching this court case, because it has the potential to reshape how federal judges treat state abortion laws. It could give the U.S. Supreme Court an opportunity to reverse or amend past rulings like Planned Parenthood v. Casey or June Medical Services v. Russo.

This is an opportunity for Arkansas Attorney General Rutledge and her team to win a big, pro-life victory in court that could help save the lives of unborn children in Arkansas and across the nation.

You can download the brief here.

Abortion Supporters Say Arkansas Has Enacted a Near-Record Number of Pro-Life Laws This Year

Recently the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization closely aligned with Planned Parenthood published a report saying that 2021 is on track to be the most anti-abortion year in decades.

The report says,

Five states—Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky and Oklahoma—enacted restrictions on abortion clinics, an issue that has not been hot in state legislatures since the Supreme Court in 2016 struck down regulations enacted in Texas. Most notably, Arkansas and Kentucky passed laws making it easier for state agencies to close abortion clinics.

Furthermore, a disturbing record was set this week: With its enactment of a new restriction on abortion clinics, Arkansas has now enacted 20 restrictions in 2021, tying Louisiana’s 1978 record for the most restrictions in a single year.

By our count, Arkansas enacted 14 excellent, pro-life laws during the past legislative session. That’s certainly a record for the Arkansas Legislature.

These new laws could save thousands of women and unborn children from abortion in the years to come. That’s something to celebrate.

Photo Credit: Planned Parenthood Sticker by dogra on Flickr.

Pro-Lifers Save Mom and Unborn Baby From Abortion in Little Rock

On Tuesday our friends at Save The Storks shared a remarkable story on Instagram about a mom and unborn baby recently saved from abortion outside the Planned Parenthood facility in Little Rock.

Save The Storks and Arkansas Pregnancy Center in Little Rock work together to give women in Arkansas real options besides abortion.

Save The Storks writes,

After a long year of pandemic restrictions, the staff at Arkansas Pregnancy Center (APC) finally had the chance to take their Stork Bus into the community. Staff members and new volunteers worked hard to secure a parking spot near their community’s local Planned Parenthood.

However, the day before the launch, the sonogram machine stopped working.
They immediately attempted to get the machine fixed, but there were no technicians available.

Tracy, the executive director at APC, texted the news about the sonogram machine to the clinical director Janet*, worried they might have to delay their trip.

Janet responded: “God’s got this.”

After deliberation and prayer, the staff decided to move forward with their mobile outing for the day with no working sonogram.

Then the mobile unit’s sonographer showed up, and just so happened to have a sonogram machine in her car.

The pregnancy center was able to get back on the road, and a few hours later Janelle* boarded the Stork Bus.

She was en route to Planned Parenthood to take the abortion pill. But on her way she prayed that God would show her a sign on whether or not she should go through with the abortion. Then she saw the brightly colored mobile unit.

“I knew that was my sign,” Janelle said.

She wept as she saw her baby on the screen with a fully formed body. That day, Janelle chose life for her baby, despite being scared.

Janet was right – God’s got this.