Little Rock Surgical Abortion Facility Calls Ambulance for 68th Time: Operation Rescue

An ambulance leaves Little Rock Family Planning Services on March 30, 2021 (Photo Credit: 40 Days for Life – Little Rock).

Operation Rescue reports that the surgical abortion facility in Little Rock recently placed its 68th emergency call for an ambulance transport at the facility.

Operation Rescue writes,

Little Rock Family Planning is the only surgical abortion facility in Arkansas. It is affiliated with the National Abortion Federation, whose members include some of the most problematic abortion facilities in the nation.

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) printout from the emergency on March 30, 2021, was so heavily redacted that only small bits of information about the woman’s condition could be gleaned from it.  However, it was enough to know that her condition was serious and required an ambulance equipped for Advance Life Support.

We have written repeatedly about ambulances sighted at the surgical abortion facility in Little Rock over the years.

All of this underscores why it is so important for Arkansas to continue passing pro-life legislation that will stop abortion and protect women from dangerous abortion procedures.

This week Gov. Hutchinson signed Act 740 of 2021 that will require abortionists to maintain transfer agreements with local hospitals to handle these sorts of abortion complications. The measure also requires abortionists to post and share literature about human trafficking at their facilities.

Lawmakers also recently passed S.B. 388 as well as S.B. 463 tightening Arkansas’ restrictions on abortion facilities.

Laws like these help save the lives of unborn children, and they protect women and girls from abortion procedures that can be dangerous or deadly.

Come to a Baby Shower This Saturday for Child Saved From Abortion

The following is an announcement from our friends at 40 Days for Life in Little Rock:

The Little Rock group of 40 Days for Life is hosting a baby shower on April 24 for one of the moms who chose life at our vigil this past fall.  Here’s the details! 

We will be outside of the Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center (#2 Office Park Drive, Little Rock, AR 72211) from 2:30pm-3:30pm.  I will bring a canopy in case of wet weather.

The baby is a girl, so little girl clothes as well as diapers and wipes or gift cards would be most helpful.  

This will be a ‘drop-in/drive-by’ shower, not the ‘stay and play games’ type.  

Let’s have a great time blessing this mom and her little one!

Arkansas Legislature Passes Bill Restricting Abortion Facilities

On Tuesday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed S.B. 388.

This good bill by Sen. Charles Beckham (R – McNeil) and Rep. Joe Cloud (R – Russellville) requires any facility that performs abortions to be licensed by the Arkansas Department of Health as an abortion facility.

S.B. 388 also prohibits abortions in hospitals except in cases of medical emergency.

The bill previously passed the Arkansas Senate with strong support.

Under current law, clinics are not required to be licensed or inspected as abortion facilities unless they perform more than ten abortions in a month.

That means that a clinic potentially could perform upwards of 100 or more abortions per year without being licensed or inspected by the State of Arkansas as an abortion facility.

S.B. 388 addresses this loophole in Arkansas law.

This bill will make it easier for the Arkansas Department of Health to enforce the good, pro-life laws that lawmakers have implemented over the years. It will ensure that every clinic that performs abortions is licensed and inspected, and that Arkansas’ laws against abortion are properly followed.

S.B. 388 will make it easier for the Arkansas Department of Health to identify and shutdown facilities performing occasional abortions if the facilities aren’t complying with Arkansas’ other pro-life laws.

This is a really good bill. It now goes to the governor to become law.