Recently we wrote about an ambulance and a hearse seen at the surgical abortion facility in Little Rock.

The incident was witnessed by volunteers praying outside the facility as part of 40 Days for Life.

Today, 40 Days for Life shared more information about the incident, writing,

Marsha and Sharon could tell something was up when abortion workers scrambled to move their cars away from the abortion facility’s back door.

Before long, an abortion client was loaded into an ambulance.

Earlier that morning, vigil participants warned the man who accompanied the woman to the abortion facility that abortion is not safe for the mom, but he made it clear he wasn’t interested in talking.

Please keep this mother and child in prayer!

We have written repeatedly about ambulances at abortion facilities in Little Rock and elsewhere.

Abortion takes the life of an unborn child, and it carries serious health risks for women.

That’s why Arkansas has passed several laws that protect women from unsafe abortion practices and help give women real options besides abortion. Unfortunately, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have challenged some of these good laws in court.

However, Arkansas is fighting back against these lawsuits.

Most Arkansans believe abortion ought to be completely illegal or legal only under certain circumstances.

Slowly but surely we are winning the fight to protect unborn children in Arkansas.