Call Your State Senator About Two Pro-Life Bills

Call your senator about two good pro-life bills: (501) 682-2902.

There are two good pro-life bills on their way to the Arkansas Senate. SB845 and SB840 both passed the Senate Public Health Committee today.

We’ve been saying for a while now that folks need to contact their representatives and the representatives on the House Health Committee. However, your senator needs to hear from you too.


Reps. Gaskill, Wardlaw, Lampkin, and Hyde Shining Through

We told you earlier about an important pro-life bill, HB1887, that failed yesterday before the Arkansas House Public Health Committee, and we’ve been encouraging you to come to the Capitol on Tuesday morning for Pro-Life Day at the Capitol in Little Rock.  However, I want to pause to highlight four representatives on the House Public Health Committee who showed strong, pro-life resolve on yesterday’s vote.


House Public Health Votes Against Good Pro-Life Legislation

Yesterday, the Arkansas House Public Health Committee voted down a bill that would have prohibited abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy.

HB1887, also known as the “fetal pain” bill strongly supported by Arkansas Right to Life, by Rep. Mayberry would have prevented unborn children from being aborted after the 20th week of pregnancy, except to save the life of the mother or prevent irreparable physical harm.

By the 20th week, an unborn child can feel pain—and abortion is believed by many experts to be an excruciatingly painful process for the child. This bill would have prevented the unnecessary and cruel killing of these unborn children, but it was stopped by the House Public Health Committee.

The bill received 9 votes. If it had received just 2 more, it would have passed. Below is a breakdown of the vote. Please call those committee members who did not vote or voted against the bill, and ask them to support the remaining pro-life bills pending before their committee. And don’t forget you can talk to these committee members in person if you join us at the Capitol on Tuesday morning for an emergency Pro-Life Day at the Capitol.
