Unlikely Pope Francis’ Meeting with Kim Davis was “By Chance”

During Pope Francis’ recent visit to the U.S. the Pontiff sat down with Kim Davis–the Kentucky clerk jailed for declining to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple in violation of her deeply-held religious beliefs–and her husband.

Many are trying to downplay the significance of the Pope’s conversation with the Davises–and some have even gone so far as to call it a “chance” meeting, as if they just happened to bump into each other while strolling around the Vatican Embassy.

When he travels, the Pope’s security detail is one of the largest of any public figure on earth. As Family Research Council explains, running into Pope Francis at the embassy would be a little like bumping into President Obama by chance during a tour of the White House. It simply could not happen.

FRC writes,

Pouncing on the private nature of the meeting, everyone from Reuters to the Associated Press is casting doubt on the nature of the get-together, and whether — in fact — the Vatican actually invited the Davises to meet the Pontiff. Some reporters are now insisting it was a random encounter, which is laughable considering the amount of security involved in the Pope’s visit. In a place like the Vatican Embassy, there’s absolutely no way the two parties could have accidentally crossed paths. As Liberty Counsel explained, the Davises were actually transported to the meeting by van by the Vatican’s own men. Kim was even asked to wear her hair up so that she’d be less recognizable.

Ultimately, the Davises ended up in a private room, where “no one else [was] present.” When the Pope arrived, he stretched out his hands and encouraged Kim to “stay strong,” something that wouldn’t have made sense unless he was familiar with her case. Now, several days later, the Vatican’s communications shop seems intent on giving the media a story where there is none. Pressed by reporters, Spokesman Federico Lombardi appeared to backtrack on the significance of the meeting, suggesting that no one should construe the invitation as an endorsement of Kim.

Later on after this meeting, as he was leaving the U.S. to return to Europe, Pope Francis answered a reporter’s question regarding whether or not government officials could decline to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, saying of conscientious objection,

“It is a human right and if a government official is a human person, he has that right. It is a human right.”

People may speculate about the nature of Pope Francis’ meeting with the Davises, but that statement to reporters seems pretty clear.

Photo Credit: Jeffrey Bruno from New York City, United States [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.

New Pro-Life Laws Spark Rule Change at Health Department

Recently the Arkansas Department of Health announced proposed changes to rules and regulations governing reporting requirements for abortion providers.

Under Arkansas law, doctors who perform abortions must report to the Health Department basic information such as the probable age of each unborn child aborted; the race, age, and marital status of the mother; and so on.

Arkansas’ new Woman’s  Right to Know Act of 2015 requires abortion providers to report to the Health Department the number of informed consent certifications received each month. That means the doctor must file a report with the Department of Health each month stating how many women gave their informed consent to having an abortion that month.

This kind of reporting seems mundane, but in fact it helps ensure Arkansas’ laws are being followed.

Arkansas has what may be the strongest informed-consent law for abortion in the country. The law ensures women are given as much information as possible about abortion, its risks, and its alternatives–as well as 48 hours to think things over–before having an abortion.

If a woman decides to go through with the procedure, she must sign a statement giving her informed consent to the abortion. That is what is reflected in these monthly reports.

The proposed changes to the rules and regulations are extremely brief, but they help provide oversight to ensure Arkansas’ informed-consent laws are being honored.