BREAKING: Secretary of State Disqualifies Abortion Amendment Petitions for Failing to Comply With State Law

Above: Pro-lifers gather at the capitol as petitions for the abortion amendment are delivered to the Secretary of State in this file photo from July 5, 2024.

The following is a press release from Family Council Action Committee.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

On Wednesday the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office disqualified the petitions for the Arkansas Abortion Amendment due to the petitions’ failure to identify paid canvassers by name as required by state law.

Family Council Action Committee Executive Director Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “This is good news. The people who supported this amendment ran an aggressive petition campaign. But Arkansas law is very specific about how petition signatures are supposed to be collected and submitted. The Secretary of State has made the right decision by disqualifying these petitions that did not comply with the law. We appreciate the Secretary of State’s diligence in reviewing these petitions and commitment to upholding state law.”

Cox said he is confident the abortion amendment would not have passed even if it reached the ballot. “Over the past several weeks we have seen a groundswell of pro-life opposition against the abortion amendment. Arkansans do not support abortion on demand, and that is what this amendment would have brought to Arkansas. This amendment would have legalized abortion for any reason during the first five months of pregnancy and abortion up to birth in many cases. The amendment did not include any medical licensing or health and safety standards for abortion. Those are fatal flaws, and I am confident Arkansans would have rejected the amendment had it made it to the ballot.”


Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics: Guest Column

Activists are working hard to convince that abortion makes everyone safer, including babies.

In the wake of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion activists have launched large-scale media campaigns to drive a false narrative that pro-life laws are harmful. 

For example, AP News recently shared a study that infant deaths have risen 8% in Texas since the passing of an abortion ban. The claim that more children are dying because they weren’t killed in the womb is odd enough, but the study also failed to account for the lives saved from abortion.  

Another scare tactic wielded by the pro-abortion movement is telling outlying stories of women who have been victims of medical malpractice to scare other women about what their lives could be without abortion.  

The answer is more clarity about the law for healthcare professionals, not greater access to abortion. After all, abortion poses risks to the health of women, and when performed “successfully,” always end in a death.  

The fight for life requires us to counter this lie that abortion is healthcare. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Abortion Amendment Group Hired 265 Canvassers to Collect Signatures

Public documents obtained from the Secretary of State’s office show the group backing the Arkansas Abortion Amendment paid 265 canvassers to collect signatures in support of the measure.

The amendment by Arkansans for Limited Government would write abortion into the state constitution. The group submitted some 101,525 signatures to place the measure on the ballot on Friday. The Secretary of State is currently reviewing and counting the signatures to determine if they are valid.

Arkansans for Limited Government submitted documents to the Secretary of State showing the group employed 265 paid petition canvassers over the course of the signature campaign — including more than 70 paid canvassers hired within 48 hours of the July 5 deadline to submit petitions for the abortion measure.

Under Arkansas law, paid petition canvassers must be residents of Arkansas. They must pass a criminal background check, and their information must be properly recorded with the Secretary of State’s office.

Legal experts have pointed out the abortion amendment would prevent the State of Arkansas from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy — which is more extreme than Roe v. Wade — and would allow thousands of elective abortions on healthy women and unborn children every year.

The amendment does not contain any medical licensing or health and safety standards for abortion, and it does not require abortions to be performed by a physician or in a licensed medical facility.

It automatically nullifies all state laws that conflict with the amendment, jeopardizing basic abortion regulations — like parental-consent and informed-consent requirements that both sides of the aisle have supported in the past.

The measure also contains various exceptions that would permit abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy in many cases.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.