Most Americans Say Transgenderism is “Morally Wrong” and Athletes Should Compete Based on Sex: Gallup Poll

In a new Gallup Poll, most Americans surveyed say that transgenderism is “morally wrong” and that transgender athletes should compete according to their biological sex — not their gender identity.

The survey findings released on Monday show 55% of Americans consider “changing one’s gender” to be “morally wrong.” That’s up from 51% in 2021.

The percentage surveyed who said it is “morally acceptable” for a person to change genders has fallen from 46% in 2021 to 43% in 2023.

The survey also found fewer Americans believe biological male athletes who identify as female should be able to compete in female sports — and vice versa.

In May of 2021, 34% of Americans surveyed said transgender athletes should be able to play on the sports team that matches their gender identity. This year’s survey shows that number has fallen to 26%.

Meanwhile 69% of Americans said athletes should compete based on their biological sex. That’s up from 62% in 2021.

The numbers do not break clearly along party lines, either.

Gallup’s researchers noted, “Republicans, Democrats and independents are all modestly less supportive of transgender athletes playing on current gender identity teams today than two years ago.”

The reports show public opinion nationwide tracks with laws that Arkansas has enacted in recent years.

For example, Act 461 of 2021 by Sen. Missy Irvin (R — Mountain View) and Rep. Sonia Barker (R — Smackover) helps protect fairness in women’s sports by preventing male student athletes from competing against girls in women’s athletics at school. In January a federal district court upheld a similar law in West Virginia as constitutional.

In 2021 the Arkansas Legislature overwhelmingly passed the Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act. The SAFE Act is a good law that protects children in Arkansas from cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and sex-reassignment surgeries. However, the law has been tied up in court since the summer of 2021

This year the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 274 by Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville). This good law lets a child who undergoes a sex-change procedure sue the healthcare provider who performed the procedure if the child suffers any physical, psychological, or emotional injury as a  result. The law also includes informed-consent requirements for sex-change procedures.

Over the past few years we have seen biological males dominate women’s athletics in some parts of the country.

For example, in 2019 Rachel McKinnon — a biological male who claims to be female — won the female Cycling World Championship.

More recently, biologically male athlete Lia Thomas shattered women’s swimming records and was even nominated for NCAA Woman of the Year.

Letting males compete in girls’ sports reverses 50 years of advancements for women and effectively erases girls’ athletics.

It hampers girls’ abilities to compete for athletic scholarships, and it hurts their professional opportunities as adults. In some sports, it can even be dangerous.

That is part of the reason states like Arkansas, Texas, and West Virginia have enacted laws that uphold fairness in women’s sports.

More and more, scientific evidence shows sex-reassignment procedures may be harmful to children. That is why it is important for our laws to protect children from these procedures and give them legal options they can follow if they are harmed by one of these sex-change procedures.

In 2021 a major hospital in Sweden announced that it would no longer give puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to kids.

Last year the U.K.’s National Health Services closed its Tavistock gender clinic that gave puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children for many years. Many families have indicated their children were subjected to sex-reassignment at that clinic despite an obvious lack of scientific evidence in favor of the procedures and inadequate mental health screenings for children with gender dysphoria.

A gender-identity clinic in Scotland faces similar accusations from former patients who say healthcare professionals rushed them into sex-change procedures.

And last July the U.S. Food and Drug Administration finally added a warning label to puberty blockers in America after biological girls developed symptoms of tumor-like masses in the brain.

The fact that public opinion seems to be shifting on the transgender issue speaks volumes. It also underscores that Arkansas’ laws preserving fairness in women’s sports and protecting children from sex-change procedures reflect public opinion on the issue.

U of A Library Promotes Pro-LGBT Movies, Documentaries

On Tuesday the University of Arkansas’ main research library issued a statement highlighting pro-LGBT movies and documentaries the library offers.

In a statement, the library said,

In celebration of LGBTQ Pride Month, the Mullins Library Multimedia Department has compiled a list of streaming and physical videos available to all students, staff, and faculty. Physical items are available for checkout in the Multimedia Services Room (MULN 463).

The statement goes on to list more than a dozen pro-LGBT movies and documentaries available through the library.

The list includes films like Call Me By Your Name, which has been heavily criticized for its themes and sexual content.

The university library issued similar statements celebrating LGBT Pride Month during June of last year and in 2021.

More and more, we see institutions, government agencies, and corporations in America rushing to celebrate “pride month” and promote homosexual and transgender behavior — and yet there seems to be backlash brewing against the movement among many Americans.

Writing at, commentator John Stonestreet recently noted,

Americans feel they are no longer allowed to turn on the TV, open social media, shop for clothes, buy groceries, or walk down the street without being assaulted by sexual propaganda all year round, not just in June. It’s as if a whole segment of the nation is simply unaware that many people feel assaulted, and many others are simply not that interested.

Of course, the U of A library is just the latest library in Arkansas to curate pro-LGBT content.

Libraries in Craighead County, Pulaski County, and elsewhere have included pro-LGBT and sexually explicit material in their library catalogs.

Communities can take steps to remove objectionable material from their local libraries.

Library boards and librarians have leeway to establish selection criteria and make decisions about the kinds of material available on the library’s shelves.

Library patrons generally can use a Material Reconsideration Form to ask libraries to remove inappropriate material.

And voters can call on their elected officials to enact laws protecting children from objectionable material in public libraries.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Photo Credit: Brandonrush, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.