October 1 is Bring Your Bible to School Day

Bring Your Bible to School Day is coming up in just a few weeks on Thursday, October 1.

The event is promoted by our friends at Focus on the Family.

Each year it is estimated that more than half a million students across the United States participate by bringing their Bibles to school with them on this day.

Focus on the Family writes,

#BringYourBible is a nationwide, student-led movement to read and treasure Scripture as God’s Holy Word, to encourage others with the hope we have in Christ Jesus, and to celebrate our religious freedoms in the United States. It all culminates with Bring Your Bible to School Day on the first Thursday of October. (This year, the celebration will be October 1, 2020!) This event empowers Christian students of all ages to speak God’s grace and truth into the culture around them, starting with two simple steps — bringing their Bibles to school and sharing what God’s Word means to them.

School may be different for some kids this year, but students everywhere still can participate in Bring Your Bible to School Day. It’s a fun and easy way to exercise religious liberty.

Learn more at BringYourBible.org.

Trans-Targeting Catholic Hospitals

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

A Catholic hospital in Baltimore is being sued by a woman for refusing to remove her perfectly healthy uterus. She claims the hospital discriminated against her because she identifies as a man.

No hospital should remove healthy organs, of course, and this Catholic hospital refused because of their faith commitments. Even if a non-transitioning woman wanted her healthy uterus removed, the Catholic hospital would refuse.

Catholic and other religiously based hospitals have been fighting this kind of absurd targeting for years, first over abortion and now over various levels of so-called sex-reassignment treatments.

This is no isolated case. A California court will hear a similar lawsuit soon, as well. As Wesley J. Smith warns at National Review, “Many Catholic hospitals will close before being forced to practice medicine in ways that violate Catholic doctrine.”

Our country’s health system is already strained, so this would be a disaster. Let’s pray religious freedom, public health, and common sense wins out over trans ideology.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.