Europeans Euthanizing Children

The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview is highlighting some startling information out of Europe.

For some time, now, the Netherlands and Belgium have allowed euthanasia and assisted suicide for conditions ranging from terminal illness to emotional distress.

Now Europeans are calling for expanded euthanasia for children.

John Stonestreet writes,

Belgium has already deemed children over twelve “mature enough” to decide to die. Now the Dutch Pediatric Association wants both countries to open up euthanasia to children under twelve, at the discretion of doctors and parents.

Click here to read Stonestreet’s short commentary or listen to it below.

[audio:|titles=Euthanasia Under 12 by John Stonestreet]

New York Court: No Right to Assisted Suicide

Last week a court in New York issued a good ruling finding no “right” to assisted suicide.

The court wrote in part,

“While suicide is no longer prohibited or penalized, the ban against assisted suicide and euthanasia shores up the notion of limits in human relationships. It reflects the gravity with which we view the decision to take one’s own life or the life of another, and our reluctance to encourage or promote these decisions.”

Being pro-life means believing human life is sacred from conception until natural death, and it means opposing the taking of human life without just cause. While the term “pro-life” is often applied to work related to abortion, opposition to suicide and euthanasia falls under the purview of pro-life work as well.

In recent years suicide and euthanasia activists have worked to make gains in state legislatures and in the courts. This ruling from New York is welcomed, because there simply is no constitutional right to take human life at will, plain and simple.

You can read more here.

Evidence at Congressional Panel Indicates Planned Parenthood Profited From Selling Baby Parts

daily_commentary_05_03_16Our friends at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview recently released a commentary by John Stonestreet on new evidence that Planned Parenthood clinics profited from the harvest and sale of baby body parts.

Recent hearings at the congressional Select Panel on Infant Lives have exposed this evidence.

Stonestreet writes,

It’s important to know that a 1993 federal statute prohibits the sale of fetal tissue. However, witnesses called during this month’s hearing say abortion providers have ignored that law for decades, encouraging and profiting from a market in human body parts.

Here’s how the process works: Researchers at companies like Stem Express pay procurement technicians to shop around abortion clinics for suitable specimens. They obtain consent from the patients, and inform the clinic staff, who kill the unborn child and harvest its tissue. The technician then packages and transports the body parts to the customer, records invoices, and makes sure the clinic is paid.

. . . .

[O]ne customer paid over $3,000 for a fetal brain. Another opted for a bulk discount, buying thirty-eight tiny brains for $22,000.

You can read Stonestreet’s full commentary here, or listen to it below.

[audio:|titles=Planned Parenthood Under Investigation]