A Marijuana-Infused Thanksgiving Dinner?

Pumpkin_PieRecently we wrote how most Americans still give thanks to God at Thanksgiving for the many blessings they enjoy. We eat food with friends and family, and we give thanks for all that we have. However, as the holiday season approaches, some websites are actually promoting marijuana-infused Thanksgiving and Christmas recipes.

For example, TheCannabist.co offers recipes for everything from pot cookies to marijuana-infused pies. One writer describes the process for making THC-infused butter, saying, “Some people like to make a mild butter and use it to spread on their toast in the morning or add a teaspoon or two to a baked potato.”

Does anyone actually think it’s a good idea to eat butter infused with marijuana before heading out the door to work? Does that sound like a healthy way to start the day?

A marijuana-infused Thanksgiving meal sounds like a joke, but the truth is there are several problems with marijuana edibles. (more…)

ADF: Court Precedent Says Schools Can Keep Boys Out of Girls’ Locker Rooms

MUTCD_RS-022.svgMany still find it shocking, but there is a real battle underway in America over whether or not schools must let biological males who claim to be female use women’s restrooms and locker rooms at school.

Members of the Obama administration are pushing very hard to force schools to change their restroom and locker room policies, but as John Stonestreet at the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview and as attorneys from the Alliance Defending Freedom both note, schools can–and have–successfully defeat this kind of bullying from the federal government.

Stonestreet notes,

Many parents wonder if they can do anything to stem this tide. After all, can you stop the federal government?

The Alliance Defending Freedom’s answer is a resounding “yes!”

Speaking recently on Moody Radio, the ADF’s Matt Sharp said that “If you look at what the [legal] precedent says, and what the most recent courts looking at this issue have found,” it becomes clear that “schools can have these separate facilities” for boys and girls.

Last year Alliance Defending Freedom drafted a model policy schools can adopt to protect the privacy of their students. The policy reads in part, (more…)

DEA Chief Calls Medical Marijuana “A Joke”

This week DEA Chief Chuck Rosenberg issued a statement to reporters concerning marijuana, saying,

“What really bothers me is the notion that marijuana is also medicinal — because it’s not. We can have an intellectually honest debate about whether we should legalize something that is bad and dangerous, but don’t call it medicine — that is a joke.”

Rosenberg noted certain substances in the marijuana plant might have possible medical use, but dismissed the idea that the marijuana plant itself can be smoked safely–a position we have supported at Family Council.

Rosenberg said, “But if you talk about smoking the leaf of marijuana — which is what people are talking about when they talk about medicinal marijuana — it has never been shown to be safe or effective as a medicine.”

Last month the DEA issued a report citing concerns over illicit drugs, writing, (more…)