Arkansas A.G. Joins Multi-State Coalition Condemning Hamas Attacks on Israel

On Thursday Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin joined a multi-state coalition of attorneys general condemning the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

The coalition includes attorneys general from Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

The joint statement reads as follows:

“We are outraged by the terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas against Israel. Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization, decided to violate the laws of nations and nature in its bloody, pre-planned massacre of civilians.

Hamas murderers slaughtered hundreds of innocents—homebodies and concertgoers, Holocaust survivors and newborns. The dead are not just Israelis, but Americans and citizens of countries around the world. The images, videos, and stories still coming out since that raid are heartbreaking. Many of those videos and images were released by the perpetrators themselves. Kidnapping, torture, and rape violate the laws of all societies, of civilized states, and of war. Innocents both in Israel and in territory occupied by Hamas continue to pay the price for Hamas’s terrorist operations in Gaza and invaded Israeli territory. No sovereign nation can tolerate such terrorist operations within its borders.

We stand with Israel as it defends itself from this inexplicable and obscene violence. Israel’s remarkable resilience and restraint are exemplified by its longstanding commitment to minimizing civilian casualties while defending its people. We regret that Israel’s pursuit of justice and self-defense will cost lives. But responsibility for every life lost in this conflict can be laid at the feet of the cowardly Hamas leadership, residing in comfort in Doha, and their murderous servants. We pray for peace and safety for Israel and the rest of the Middle East.”

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Arkansas’ Congressmen, Senators Receive High Marks on FRC Action Report Card

Above: U.S. Sen. John Boozman (left) receives FRC Action’s True Blue Award from the organization’s President, Tony Perkins (right).

On Thursday, FRC Action issued a news release highlighting its 2020 and 2021 scorecards for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. The organization recently endorsed a religious freedom amendment that is on the ballot in Arkansas this November.

FRC Action’s scorecards show that Arkansas’ congressional delegation received high marks from the organization both years.

In 2020, Arkansas Congressmen Rick Crawford, French Hill, Bruce Westerman, and Steve Womack all received perfect scores; Arkansas’ U.S. Senators John Boozman and Tom Cotton received perfect scores as well.

In 2021, Congressman Rick Crawford received a score of 92 out of 100; Congressman Hill received a 92; Congressman Westerman received a 96; and Congressman Womack received a 92. U.S. Senators Boozman and Cotton received 100’s.

Family Council regularly monitors legislative news related to Arkansas’ congressional delegation.

In December, we reported that all four congressmen and both senators from Arkansas received 0’s on Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s scorecard.

You can download FRC Action’s 2020 scorecard here.

You can download FRC Action’s 2021 scorecard here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.