Action Committee Responds to Marijuana Proposal

The following press release was received from the Family Council Action Committee based in Little Rock.

Friday, October 4, 2013

On Thursday afternoon Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel certified a group trying to legalize so-called “medical” marijuana to begin gathering petition signatures to place their measure on the November 2014 ballot. On Friday Family Council Action Committee President Jerry Cox released a statement.

“Ultimately, this is about legalizing marijuana,” Cox said. “This proposal is very similar to the one Arkansans voted down last November, and it still has a lot of the same problems: It’s vaguely-worded; marijuana stores will open in Arkansas; and people will still be allowed to grow their own marijuana.”


Offense Mounted Against WWII Veterans

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Deborah Beuerman.

For what reason did the nation’s commander-in-chief order blockades placed around the WWII Veterans Memorial to keep out visiting veterans? The Memorial is essentially a landscape feature in a very large park through which people can walk 24/7. Usually the area is manned by a few staff members for only part of that time, but they were deemed non-essential and sent home—until the President decided that it was essential for them to come back in order to put up barricades to keep people out.

Honor Flights, a charity group that brings WWII veterans from around the country to visit their memorial, schedules the visits months in advance, so it was known that veterans would be visiting this month. Why was it commanded that these veterans in their 80s and 90s who had come far to visit their memorial, many for the first and last time, be blocked from walking in this park?


Atheists Seek to Stop Pledge of Allegiance in Schools

According to Alliance Defending Freedom, atheists in Massachusetts are suing to ban the Pledge of Allegiance from public schools because they find the pledge offensive:

“Atheist parents and students are seeking to stop recitation of the Pledge in public schools–even though no student is required to recite it–because the atheist students claim to be ‘offended’ by simply hearing the words ‘under God.'”

The people seeking to bar the Pledge from schools lost in lower court earlier, but have appealed the court ruling to Massachusetts’ state Supreme Court.
