CO Planned Parenthood Handing Out “Abortion Awards”

Late last month Abby Johnson’s group And Then There Were None posted a picture it received from a former abortion clinic worker.

The picture is of a certificate dated May of 2013 recognizing the Aurora, CO, Planned Parenthood facility “for exceeding abortion visits [sic] first half of FY12 compared to fist half of FY13.”

Johnson writes,

“When our former [abortion clinic] worker saw this award on public display, it really started to change her thinking about Planned Parenthood’s motivation.  This award was given to their Aurora clinic for ‘exceeding abortion visits first half of fiscal year 2012 compared to first half of fiscal year 2013.’

“This means that the Aurora Planned Parenthood exceeded the abortion quota that was imposed on them.  And THAT is award worthy according to Planned Parenthood.”

Read further comments from Abby Johnson here and here.

The CEO and President of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains confirmed the certificate’s authenticity, writing,


Updated: Which Companies Support Planned Parenthood?

Many of you have emailed to let us know the list of companies who support Planned Parenthood we published earlier this year is no longer working.

We have found new lists on a couple of different websites for Planned Parenthood affiliates.

The first comes from Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Inc. They write:

“A partial list of companies with Corporate Matching Gift Programs includes: AT&T, Alcoa, American Express, Avon Products, Black & Decker, Circuit City, Citibank, Clorox, Coca-Cola, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Fidelity Investments, Ford Motor Company, Gannett, James River Corporation, Merck & Company, Microsoft Corporation, Motorola, Phillip Morris, T. Rowe Price, Prudential Insurance, Safeco Corporation, Sun Microsystems, Sunoco, Vanguard Group, Verizon, Washington Post Company, White & Case, Xerox Corporation

We also found a PDF of companies that match employee donations to Planned Parenthood (courtesy of Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette). The list includes:

  • American Express
  • Allstate
  • Chevron
  • AT&T
  • Microsoft
  • Bank of America
  • Kraft Foods
  • Nike
  • And others

You can see the full list here.

Many Planned Parenthood websites also note that Planned Parenthood receives funds through United Way.

Those who have followed these lists in the past will note Starbucks is not named as a Planned Parenthood supporter. So far we have not been able to determine if Starbucks has ceased supporting Planned Parenthood, or if they were simply omitted from these “partial” lists.

It’s virtually impossible to know just how many companies support abortion organizations individually, but lists like these give consumers a rough idea of which businesses are backing Planned Parenthood and others.

Senate Bill Calls Abortion “Constitutional Right,” Invalidates State Laws

Late last year U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D – CT) introduced S. 1696, the so-called “Woman’s Health Protection Act of 2013.”

Recently, there has been a buzz about this bill and what it would do.

The bill purports to protect women’s health. In reality it invalidates state laws regarding abortion, names abortion a constitutional right, and opens the door for unsafe abortion practices. Here is how.

S. 1696 Would Likely…

S. 1696 would likely:

  • Overturn Arkansas’ ban on taxpayer-funded abortion;
  • Challenge Arkansas’ ban on partial-birth abortion;
  • Affect Arkansas’ “fetal-pain” law preventing abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Undermine our informed-consent and parental-consent laws;
  • Prevent surgical abortions from being regulated in a sensible manner; and
  • Increase access to abortifacients, despite the fact chemical abortions carry significant health risks.

Additionally, the bill

  • Repeatedly describes abortion as a constitutional right; and
  • Fails to acknowledge abortion may be regulated to protect healthcare providers’ rights of conscience or religious convictions.

S. 1696 Calls Abortion “a Constitutional Right”
